Page 21 of My Greatest Joy

Maybe the key is keeping her fed. Perhaps she’s been hangry this whole time.

One can dream.

“How many exes are there?” she blurts out.

“So wearehaving this discussion?”

“Sure, why not? Unless there’s been a lot, and you can’t count that high?”

I scratch my cheek in amusement, shoveling more pasta into my mouth as I pick my next words carefully.

“I haven’t had…relationships, per se. Not sure they can be considered an ex if it wasn’t ever serious.”

“Oh, I get it now.”

I eye her curiously. “What?”

“You’re a fuck boy.”

Her bluntness has me smirking. “I’m too old to be considered a fuck boy. I date women to see if we’re a good match, and none have worked out long-term.”

“Fine, fuckman.” She shrugs, taking a bite of chicken and moaning. “Serial dater who’s too afraid to settle down or commit—like every other man in this world. I’m sure you had no problem sleeping with them first before deciding they weren’tthe one.”

“Sounds like you have me all figured out.”

“Don’t tell me I’ve hurt your feelings?”

“Yep, I’m gonna cry myself to sleep tonight.”

She rolls her eyes as I crack a smile.

“I doubt you’ve ever cried over a woman in your life.”

Jesus Christ. Says the one who’s currently giving me emotional whiplash.

“Do you want more water?” I ask.

She furrows her brow at my abrupt subject change.

“Or should we talk about your dating history now?” I taunt.

“Absolutely not.”

“I can’t imagine why you’d have relationship issues,” I say dryly, earning me a scowl. “With you being so pleasant and sweet, it’s a mystery to me.”

“Are you done?”

Her resting bitch face has me fighting back a smile because she’s a natural.

“Dessert?” I ask, grabbing my plate and bringing it to the sink.

“Depends. Does it come with your sarcasm and bad jokes? Because if so, I’ll pass.”

“Suit yourself. Thirty-eight women think my jokes arefuck-worthy.”

Her eyes widen in horror as she nearly chokes on her pasta. “Total or…this year?”

Instead of answering her, I grab a fudge pop from the freezer, then shoot her a wink.