“It’s a girl?” Fallon’s eyes water.
“Yep. You ready to meet her?”
She nods profusely.
Miss Betty greets us and then leads us to where two of the puppies are left. “She’s the sweetest one of the litter and has melted all of our hearts already.”
“Oh my God…she’s so cute.” Fallon’s full-on crying before Miss Betty even opens the gate. “This isn’t fair. The hormones make me extra emotional as it is.”
As soon as we step inside, the puppies swarm us.
“She’s on the left,” Miss Betty points out.
Fallon kneels and picks her up. “Oh my goodness, she’s perfect.”
She nuzzles her into her chest and lets her lick her face until Fallon’s giggling.
“What about the other?” I ask. “Did you find him a home?”
“Sure did.”
The back door opens, and heavy boots and heels grab our attention.
Finn and Oakley.
“Hey, guys,” I say, standing. “You’re getting the other puppy?”
Finn nods toward Oakley. “She wouldn’t stop begging me for one.”
Oakley playfully swats him. “Liar. You wanted one, too.”
“I wanted a dog. One who’s already house trained.”
“He will be…eventually.” Oakley shrugs, kneeling next to Fallon and grabbing the boy puppy.
“I don’t feel so bad separating them now,” Fallon says, fully sitting on the floor and snuggling the girl puppy.
“We can have puppy playdates!” Oakley declares. “How do you think Dasher’s gonna handle it?”
I scratch my cheek. “We’ll see very soon.”
“I think he’ll be fine,” Fallon chimes in. “It’ll be good for him to get accustomed to sharing the attention, especially when the baby comes.”
“We were gonna wait until after the wedding, but we couldn’t pass up the opportunity when Miss Betty said there was one left,” Oakley explains. “Didn’t want the little guy to be homeless.”
Laughing, I watch as the girls play with the puppies for a few more minutes before Miss Betty leads us to the receptionist desk to pay and sign paperwork.
“When you have their names picked out, call me and let me know so I can put it on their record. The vet will wanna see you in a month,” she says. “I’ll transfer all their information so the doctor has it.”
“Sounds good. Thanks again,” I tell her.
“You guys should come over this weekend so they can play and yours can meet Dasher,” Fallon tells Oakley when we walk outside, then looks at Finn with a mischievous grin. “I’m finally getting the gingersnap cookie recipe, so I’ll make you an early fresh batch.”
Finn gasps dramatically, pointing at me. “I’ve known you my whole life and she gets it after less than a year?”
“I married him!” Fallon exclaims and then directs a finger to her belly. “And I’m having his child.”
“You know the rules.” I lift a shoulder, keeping the puppy clung tightly to my chest.