“See ya, Fallon Joy.”
Dasher and I watch as she rolls down the driveway, and I wave one last time before she’s completely out of view.
“She’s gone now, buddy. Come inside,” I tell him as I walk up the steps, but he’s frozen in place. “Dasher! Inside.”
He keeps watching as if he’s waiting for her to come back. My heart was already breaking, but now it’s shattered, knowing he got attached, too.
When I reach the door, I whistle, and he finally listens.
As soon as I walk into the living room, I feel her loss.
It’s empty and cold.
The farm is closed for New Year’s Day, so I can’t even work to keep my mind busy. Instead, I’ll lie in bed and soak up the last remaining memories we made together.
It’s beenradio silence from Fallon since she texted to let me know she made it home—three weeks ago.
We never discussed staying in contact. Honestly, it’d only allow the pain from missing her so much to linger. But damn, I wish I could talk to her.
I’m not the only one suffering. Dasher lies exclusively on the side of the couch where she’d sit, and he took over her spot on the bed.
A week ago, I caved and looked her up on social media. She’s posted a few pictures of the Vermont landscapes and even one of Dasher, which I thought was adorable as hell. Then I fixated on the selfies from the past year and how gorgeous she is in every shot. Based on the photographs she’s posted over the years, she’s well traveled. How anyone could break up with her is beyond me.
I’d never consider myself a lovesick puppy type of guy, but apparently, I am for her. At least I can stare at images of her.
“It’s giving mestalker vibes.” I can almost hear her voice in my head now and smile.
There are a few recent ones of the coffee roasters she’s visited, and she looks happy.
Work is always slow after the holidays, which I would normally appreciate and enjoy, but right now, I need something to keep my mind busy. I’ve even resorted to asking Lucy to let me work with her in the gift shop. She ecstatically agreed.
After two hours of her drilling me about Fallon, I gave up and left.
My mom’s told me half a dozen times to fly to Seattle and surprise her. As soon as Lucy heard about Mom’s idea, she jumped on board and kept saying howromanticit’d be. Immediately, I told them no, but after thinking about it, I booked a flight and hotel.
I plan to call her once I get there since I don’t know her exact address. Hopefully, she’s home, so I can tell her how I’ve fallen in love with her. It’ll either be the beginning of us or the closure we need. I never understood the phraseright person, wrong timeuntil I met Fallon.
If she says she can’t do long distance, then I’ll kiss her one last time and walk away for good.
My phone rings, and I put it on speaker. “What, Lucy?”
“Am I still driving you to the airport tomorrow?”
“Yes,” I confirm. “Six o’clock.”
“Oh my God, that’s so early,” she groans.
“Suck it up. This idea was partly yours,” I remind her, though I’m not mad about it.
“I’m so excited for you. Have you packed?”
“I am right now,Mom.”