“Shoot,” I mutter as we start to drive through town.

“What’s up?” Jensen asks.

“Nothing major, but Lyric inviting us down for dinner reminded me that we were invited to Zemi’s place. I had completely forgotten.”

Cash smiles, “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. They are all more than aware of what is going on at the moment with Hunt, and they know that things get pretty intense in our job because they do it too.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just a big deal for them to invite us, and I don’t want any of them to think that we don’t want to come,” I reply.

“If you’re worried about it, Angel, why don’t you message her and let her know?” Jensen suggests.

“Good point, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, I think I’m just tired,” I reply, as I pull out my phone.

“I told you to get some sleep,” Cash says with a slight frown.

“You did, but you also didn’t switch with me, and I was worried you’d get too tired to drive, so I wanted to make sure that I stayed awake just in case.”

“Thank you, Il Mio Cuore,” he replies with a soft smile, and I return it as I try to make my brain work well enough to send a message that makes sense to Zemi.

Me:Hey! I’m sorry we haven’t managed to make it to your place yet. Hunt has had us running in circles again.

Zemi:Honestly, you didn’t even need to message we get it. We will fit it somehow; we have actually been on a job so we wouldn’t have been able to do it anyway. We just got back.

Me:I hope all went well with your job. How’s Raiden handling his injuries?

Zemi:He is finally listening, and he has been resting; he is only a little bit grumpy now, but we can handle that; it is a hell of a lot better than he was.

Me:Thank fuck for that. I am hoping we get a chance to catch up soon, even if it is just at headquarters.

Zemi:Me too, it feels like it’s been ages since we hung out properly. I will message you next time we are there just in case you guys are as well.

Me:Sounds good.

“Is everything okay?” Jensen asks as soon as I put my phone down.

I nod and repress a yawn as I say, “Yeah, they have only just got back from a job; we are going to try and set something up when we are both free. If that ever happens.”

“I’m actually really curious about what their place is like,” Cash adds.

Jensen grins, “Me too.”

As soon as we turn up our road, that sense of home starts and I begin to relax, it's not until I actually step through the door,the guys all greeting me warmly wrapping me in cuddles and smothering me in kisses that I actually feel like I am home.

“Food first,” Rafe announces loudly before anyone can say anything. “All things to do with work can be discussed after we’ve all eaten.”

Everyone quickly agrees. I don’t think any of us would choose work over Rafe’s food, and it smells fucking amazing in here, so I bet the guys are even more hungry than I am.

Dinner is amazing. Rafe has made one of my favourites, chicken curry, lamb curry and multiple side dishes that I couldn’t name but that taste absolutely amazing. I only know how to make my Christmas leftover curry and Rafe’s two versions taste considerably different. I know he has his own spice mix that he puts in, whatever he does to it tastes amazing. Although, I think that about everything that he makes.

Dinner is finished and, of course, followed by dessert, which was absolutely delicious, a chocolate ganache tart with a raspberry sauce and homemade vanilla ice cream; yes, I am well aware of exactly how spoiled I am. Some people would probably call me selfish too since I never really have to share his gorgeous creations with anyone else but family. I am just very lucky, and in actual fact, I would be incredibly fucking proud to share what he makes with anyone and everyone. I hope one day he gets to own a restaurant and do just that, although I know it is still a one-day thing for him at the moment and not something that he wants to do right now. He loves what we do now.

I think Trick can tell that Cash and I are too tired for the debrief, and everyone is just enjoying being together. By the time we have finished eating, it is actually quite late, and I am running on empty; I’m not actually sure how I have managed to stay awake this long. It’s for all of those reasons that Trick says that we can do the proper debrief tomorrow. We are pretty much all caught up thanks to the phone call in the car anyway, andwe are waiting for Alaric to get back to us after he has spoken to Liam, and they have hopefully come up with a foolproof plan that is going to stop Hunt once and for all.

After we have eaten, we stay sitting up at the table just enjoying each other's company for a while before I can’t keep my eyes open any longer and say goodnight.


“Do you think she’s alright?” Rage asks with a frown, his eyes following Ever out of the room.