Hunt chuckles, “That woman was a piece of work, he won't be wanting revenge for her, they hadn’t been together for a while.”

“I am aware,” the man says, “still, to invite him here, when he’s trying to take over parts of your operation and steal clients, may not be the best decision.”

I feel for sure that he is about to get himself shot, that was a very brazen way to speak to someone who just shot someonewith no hesitation. Apparently, I’m wrong though, and I think Hunt’s following words just go to show how unhinged he really is.

“Thank you, I do appreciate the concern,” Hunt replies warmly, a direct contrast to the anger in his voice a moment ago, “however, it’s unwarranted. Liam won’t be leaving here alive.”

I frown, I don’t like that. I can't really explain why, maybe because he looked out for me for years, perhaps because I have this niggling feeling that something more is going on with him something that would change our perspective of certain situations if we knew, or perhaps it’s because I just heard that my mother was a raging bitch, if someone like Hunt called her a piece of work that she had to have been pretty fucking awful. Maybe it’s all of those reasons or none of them but knowing that Liam will die if he goes to this meeting and not warning him doesn’t sit right with me, and I have no idea how to handle that.

So, like the super awesome emotionally stable person that I am, I bury it with everything else. Like a grown up.


We watched three big trucks head in through this gate, which raised our suspicions because this is the side entrance and not the main one, and it doesn’t make much sense for them to be coming through the side entrance.

Quinn then said that he recognized at least one of the drivers as being someone who worked for Hunt, so we followed them as soon as it was safe to do so.

The plan was to see if they talk about anything that is worth mentioning, or more specifically, Hunt. However, they had just started to unload the trucks, opening the backs, and getting forklifts and all of that when they just stopped what they were doing and headed off further into the shipping yard on foot, like it was break time or some shit. Whatever the reason, it gives us a really good opportunity.

“I think we should see what he’s got in these trucks,” I suggest.

“Good idea,” Ezra adds, “although I really hope that it’s nothing like what you found at that warehouse when you went to rescue Emmerson.”

“Trust me dude, me too,” I reply, “that was horrific.”

“I will keep a lookout while you have a look,” Ezra suggests.

I roll my eyes, “You just don’t want to look in them just in case.”

Ezra shrugs, but doesn’t confirm or deny it.”

“That’s exactly what he’s fucking doing,” Quinn confirms instead as he rolls as well.

“Right well us non yellow-bellied scaredy cats will look in the crates and do our jobs while you just stand there,” I tease, hopping up into the back of the truck, Quinn following behind me.

Ezra snorts quietly, “You do that, I’ll be your first line of defence against all attackers.”

“Dick,” Quinn mutters, amusement in his eyes as he shakes his head. He then changes the conversation, “Let’s get this done as quickly as we can. I don’t like hanging around.”

“Agreed,” I reply.

Looking around we’re fortunate enough to find something to open one of the crates with, and we chose to open one at the back of the truck so if they do notice that it’s been tampered with itwill take them a while to do so and we can make sure that we’re far out of the area, and not going to be caught.

Working together we quickly get the crate open, although it does take longer than it usually would because we don’t want to damage the crate and want to be able to shut it, so it looks the same as it did before we opened it. That meant that we had to be extra careful.

“Guns,” Quinn mutters, completely unsurprised.

“I’ve got to say I’m glad it’s not more people,” I say, “let’s get some pictures and then we need to get out of here. We have no idea when the guys driving the truck are going to be back, and none of us want to risk being found and blowing it all. Not now we know for certain that Hunt is still using this shipping yard.”

“No, we are so close to finally ending his reign and all the shit that he has done that I don’t want to risk fucking it up now,” Quinn replies.

I nod, “You go and take pictures of the truck and their plates. I will take pictures of the contents of this box and the truck.”

“Got it,” Quinn agrees, as he heads back out to Ezra.

I make quick work of doing what I need to and then heave the lid back into place. Unless you got really close to the lid you wouldn’t be able to tell that it had already been open, and hopefully it will be a while before someone gets up close and personal with this box. Especially since it's huge and has to be lifted with a forklift. That should buy us even more time.

Hopping back out of the truck I hear the loud sound of laughter, and the guys share a look before taking off at a sprint, sticking to the shadows and moving swiftly, heading for the entrance. When we get there, the gates are shut again and I curse, we are going to have to hang out, hidden in the shadows and hope that we aren’t going to get caught while we wait for another vehicle to go in or out so that we can sneak out with it.