As soon as I work out what I'm seeing I start signing, “Guy with a bag over his head, hands tied behind his back, and kneeling in front of Hunt.”
Cash nods and then motions for me to move back to where I was, clearly not liking that I am so close to the edge and could be spotted with one false move.
I have to say I agree with him, it would blow everything and would most likely end up in Hunt escaping while we fought his people, he’d also probably pull his involvement in this place and from the sounds of it, this is exactly where we want to be and a perfect opportunity to take him down, and I don’t want to lose that, so I move out of that way.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Leaning back against the shipping container, I listen. There is no way that this is going to end well for that guy.
“Oh, who do we have here?” Hunt asks.
“This little cunt was caught sampling the product,” the woman replies.
Hunt’s tone conveys his displeasure as he replies, “That is not normally something that is brought to me. Surely you can handle one little thief.”
The woman’s reply disgusts me as she adds proudly, “He was also caught trying to sell information to our competitors. Fortunately, we caught it before he could do any real damage.”
“Well, now that is something that I should be brought in for,” Hunt says, his voice calculating, “we can’t have that.”
A sudden bang echoes around the shipping container, making me jump; there was no warning, no build-up, no chance for the guy to defend himself, nothing. Hunt just shot him. He either must really trust the two people that he is speaking to, or he really doesn’t give a shit and is happy to take a life just because he can and doesn’t actually care if they are guilty or not. I am inclined to believe the second version. It is the one that suits his fucked-up personality the most.
The woman clears her throat, only betraying a small sign of her nerves as she says, “What would you like us to do with him?”
“Get rid of him,” Hunt replies, his voice betraying that he thinks that is an obvious answer and the woman is asking stupid questions.
“Yes, of course,” she replies.
“Well, that problems taken care of, is that all?” Hunt asks, completely unaffected by what he has just done, “My bed is calling me, it is the early hours of the morning after all, and I have an important meeting tomorrow with the local senator.”
The end of that sentence is definitely a brag, and proof that he does have friends in high places.
“One last thing, sir,” the man replies this time, “Liam has been poking around more than usual and is pushing for an in-person meeting with you.”
I perk up at this information.
Hunt chuckles, “The fool thinks he’s far more important than he actually is.”
“Yes, I agree, but he really has become quite insistent, and he’s starting to cause issues,” the man replies, pushing the issue more.
“What kind of issues?” Hunt asks, his voice sharp.
“Two of our clients for the art have migrated over to him, citing better prices and more personal touch,” the man replies.
My eyebrows rise, art? They are dealing in stolen art here too? That is a new one.
“Since when do criminals want a personal touch?” Hunt asks incredulously.
“I don’t know sir,” the man replies diplomatically.
“Well, I’m not going to let Liam, steal my clients,” Hunt spits, clearly outraged that Liam’s managed to steal them, and making me grin. I don’t like Liam, but he is definitely the lesser evil.
“What would you like us to do?” The man once again replies, and I wonder if it is because the woman’s gone, or if she has just decided it's safe for self preservation reasons to keep her mouth shut.
“If he wants an in person meeting so badly then we’ll give him one,” Hunt says, back under control, although there is still an edge to his voice, “invite him to a meeting here.”
The man clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable and trying to tread lightly as he replies, “Here, boss? Are you sure that you want him to know about this place? He’s not very trustworthy, and although the woman was fucking awful, you still killed his ex-wife rather recently.”