Callan likes violence as much as Jensen and Ever do, so it is no surprise that he is willing to give them a bit of a lesson before sorting it out officially.

“Alright, is that everything that we need to know for now?” I ask.

Marty smiles, “Yeah, that’s the highlights.”

I grin, “Good, you guys go and get some rest and let me know if you need anything. Keep me updated on any developments too.”

“You got it,” Eijah says, and then adds, “er Trick when you tell Pete could you make sure that he knows that I’m okay.”

“Yeah, of course,” I reply, “you know he’s going to call you immediately, right?”

“Yeah, we are free now. I can talk,” he smiles.

Chapter Twenty-Three


After that I hang up with Elijah, I make a couple of notes about the call and then send a message to Mr R requesting that he send me the details of the teams that he is sending to aid them. He emails me back within five minutes and doesn’t even ask me why.

I don’t need the names for any reason apart from the fact that if there is an issue, then I have their names to hand easily, and I know who they are. It is a precautionary measure rather than one that I actually need to do. Once that has been done, Imessage back my thanks and tell him that Elijah and his team will be out for longer than the week that we usually take off after a job due to the complication in their current job and the mental toll that it is causing them. As usual, he doesn’t question it and says he will make sure that no jobs are sent my way, which may mean that they can’t help themselves and they want to be involved.

“We have a complication,” Rage says as he walks into my office, all of the others following behind him and looking curious.

I frown, “Is the barn in worse shape than we thought?”

Rage shakes his head and then replies, “No, well, there were a few loose boards that we fixed, and I need to go into town this afternoon for a new part for the generator, but other than that, the horses will be fine, and the barn will remain standing.”

“That’s great, what’s the problem though?” I ask.

Everyone takes seats apart from Atlas who stays standing and looks like he has too much energy zinging around his body.

“Liam called,” he says.

Ah, that would explain the extra energy.

“What did he want?” Luc asks.

“To help mostly,” Atlas replies, frowning in confusion, which I understand. Liam’s current need to help us is confusing on a lot of levels.

“And to warn us,” Rage adds.

My eyebrows raise. I don’t like the sound of that at all, “Warn us about what?”

“Hunt is trying to find out the identity of Shadow,” Atlas replies.

Curses sound out in the room, echoing loudly as the implications of what that could mean flood our minds.

“Wait, wouldn’t he already know?” Peter asks, and when we look at him confused, he adds, “Blake knew, didn’t he? And Blake worked with Hunt, so wouldn’t Hunt know?”

Atlas shakes his head, “I don’t think Hunt knows, Blake must have kept that information to himself, probably in some kind of power play that he was expecting to use later on. Liam has a soft spot for Ever. I don’t think he would play us on this.”

“As much as I hate to agree,” Riot starts, “Atlas is right, if Liam is concerned that Hunt is looking into Shadow then we need to take it as a serious thing.”

“Agreed,” Luc says. “Did he say he had any idea who Shadow was?”

Rage shakes his head, “No, he didn’t but he was very careful not to say he or she or mention Ever’s name, so he obviously wasn’t entirely sure that his line was secure that he wasn’t being listened to.”

“We have got the phone call recorded. Do you want to listen to it?” Atlas asks.