I didn’t have any nightmares, which I am surprised but grateful for. I also feel well rested and ready to get on with surveillance at the port. Every new thing that we learn about Hunt and every new thing that we find makes me even more determined to get him out of the picture. Unfortunately, with each new thing, I realize that he has so many connections, and that means that our chance of putting him in a prison and him actually staying there is pretty fucking slim.

He will just use one of his many high profile connections to get him out, most likely on some made up technicality. I mean, we could go in there with an iron clad case, leave absolutely no room for doubt that he should ever see the light of day again, but he would still have someone find something that would mean he could be released or even have someone break him out.

“We’re going to have to kill him,” I say, around a mouthful of cereal.

The guys all stop what they are doing and look at me.

Jensen grins, “Okay, let's do it.”

Riot rolls his eyes, “Dude, you don’t even know who we’re going to kill.”

Jensen shrugs, “So?”

Cash chuckles, “He has a point. Does it really matter? You know that we are all on board anyway.”

“That’s kind of really sweet in a disturbing sort of way,” Peter says, eating his toast.

My men just shrug.

“What I meant,” I interrupt before the conversation can deteriorate any more, “is that we’re going to need to kill Hunt.”

Atlas nods, “Yeah, I think we most likely are. He is going to wriggle his way out even if we catch him.”

“I agree with you both, but as always, I will have to clear it with Mr R. I will send him a message now, I don’t see why he wouldn’t agree, not with the amount of shit that he has caused and the horrors that he has committed.” Trick replies.

Cash interrupts, “It might be a better idea to ring him, Ever, Jensen and I have to leave in a minute to go and get Ezra and Quinn and go to do the surviallence. If we see him while we are there and we are given the clearance before we go, then we can take him out. With him gone, it should be easier to disband and pull apart his remaining operations, and they will be scrambling with the boss gone too, which will make it even easier.”

Trick nods, “Alright, give me a moment.”

We watch as Trick gets up and leaves the room, most likely going to his office so he can make the call.

It’s early, the sun is only just starting to peak over the horizon, Cash, Jensen and I needed to get an early start since we lost a day, and we need to watch the shipping yard and port when it’s at it’s busiest to ensure that we see as many people as we possibly can so we can identify any links to Hunt, and anything that shows that he’s still using it.

If we can also get the clearance to take him down if we see him, then that adds another layer to the whole situation.

I'm not going to lie; I am hoping that he is there and that we get to end his life. Prison is too good for him and there will always be a chance that he can get out, escape, or even carry on running his empire from inside the prison. We don’t want that.No one fucking wants that, and we need to make sure that he is out for good; as I said earlier, it has become increasingly clear that there is only one way to do that, and that is to kill him.

This is what we do. We take out the problem before it becomes a bigger problem, whereas the normal, mainstream law enforcers are bound by red tape and, well, laws, so they can’t decide that someone is still going to cause them a lot of trouble so the best course of action is to end them.

I’m pulled from my thoughts as Trick walks back into the room.

“What did he say?” Jensen asks.

“He gave us the go-ahead and said if we had a clear shot, then we should take it, but only if there’s no chance of getting caught and no civilian involvement whatsoever.” Trick says, “He also said that in this instance, he does not want you to go after him, only take the shot if the opportunity arises, don’t try to create the opportunity. He is too dangerous, and there will be other opportunities to take him down.”

I nod, “That makes sense, he’s proven himself to be one step ahead of us the majority of the time, it would be foolish to go after him, without a proper plan in place and plenty of back up, we don’t have that right now and we don’t have time to arrange it before we have to go.”

“Exactly,” Trick replies.

“Alright, I guess we are off then. We will fill Quinn and Ezra in on the way,” Cash says as he drains the last of his coffee and gets up.

“Hang on, I’ve got some subs and brownies for you to take with you,” Rafe says as he gets up and heads for the kitchen.

“You made brownies!” Jensen practically screeches, and there is a moment of silence before we all burst out laughing.

Jensen isn’t bothered in the slightest as he rushes after Rafe, practically skipping with how excited he is for the brownies.They have remained his favorite for years, and I don’t think that will ever change.

While Jensen is bribing Rafe to give him extras, and being loud enough about it that I can hear him, I go around to all of my men and kiss them goodbye. We are only going to be gone for a few days but I’m absolutely going to miss them like crazy. I always do when only some of us go on a job, not all of us are needed for every job, which makes sense, there are a lot of us after all.