“Hey, sorry it took me so long to call you back. I was with the horses,” I apologize.
Jynx sounds amused as she replies, “Since when have I ever needed an explanation about why you didn’t call me? I know you will call when you can.”
“Good point,” I reply, “is everything okay?”
“No, not really, but we’ve got it handled,” Jynx replies and then before I can ask she continues, “we’ve had to go back, Sawyer’s in trouble.”
“Shit! Is there anything we can do?” I ask. I have spoken to Sawyer on the phone. We have never met in person. I know how much he means to Jynx and the guys, and I know that he helps keep her safe, which means he is automatically good and one of ours as far as I'm concerned.
“Not right now, but can I put you and the guys on standby? There is a chance that shit is going to get serious, and I am going to need all the help I can get.” She replies.
Her response surprises me. Over the years, several things have cropped up that we have offered our help with or said that we are there if she needs us, and she has always been grateful for the offer but never taken us up on it. This is as close as she has gotten to telling me, yes, come and fucking help me.
I think it’s because it would be two worlds colliding for her, especially now that we are technically the law; I don’t think shewants to put us in a position where we have to do shit that could get us in a lot of trouble if we were caught.
The thing is, we don’t care. If she needs us then we are there, it is as simple as that, and we are there as people with a vast amount of deadly and useful skills not in a lawful matter. Although we could help with that side if she wanted us to.
Chapter Fifteen
“Absolutely, say the word, and we’re geared up and there,” I reply earnestly.
“I know, and I love that I can count on you,” she replies, sounding worried.
“Do you want to fill me in?” I ask her.
Jynx sighs, “For the moment, I’m not going to, just because it's obviously not legal and involves people who I know are on Mr R’s most wanted list, and I know that if I pull you in you’re going to have to pretend you’re on my team, I don’t want to make things complicated for you if I don’t have to.”
Her words echo my earlier thoughts, and I smile, “I get it, and while I appreciate it, I hope you know that you and yours come before the organization. We all understand what it wouldmean if you called on us for help, and we all accept it without hesitation or a second thought. Hell, even Mr R understands that, I made that incredibly clear a few years ago.”
“I know, but I’m sticking to my guns for now.” She replies.
“I thought you might,” I reply, with a smile.
I hear some banging and voices come from the background and I frown, now that I know that she might need us I kind of wish that she would fill me in now, so that we can help. The issue is that we are in the middle of taking Hunt down and we have got some momentum going at the moment so we can’t really afford to stop, having said that if she turned around and said right now that we needed her then we would drop everything and help her.
Family first, always.
Explaining that to Mr R would probably be a little bit complicated especially since we wouldn’t want to let him know about the situation with Jynx. We do have an understanding though and he likes Jynx so I think it would be one of those, ‘I know but I’m going to pretend I don’t’, situations. At least I hope it would be, if not then things would get complicated but it wouldn’t stop us.
“I’m sorry, Ever, I’m going to have to go.” She says, pulling me out of my thoughts.
“That’s okay,” I reply and then add seriously, “Jynx promise me that you will call us if you need us, we can be ready and to you in a matter of hours.”
“Thanks, Bestie.” She replies and then adds, “Keep your phone on you.”
“I always do,” I say, “can you check in every two days please? I am going to panic otherwise, especially since I know you are in trouble.”
“Done.” She replies and then hangs up.
Shit. Well, that was not what I expected to come out of that conversation. I can’t say that I’m not worrying now because Iam. Jynx, her men, and her Ravens are incredibly capable; I know that, everyone knows that, but this is the first time that she’s asked for our help, or this is at least as close as she’s ever gotten before, and that concerns me.
Jynx didn’t mention anything about Lyric and the guys and I don’t want to say anything to the guys in front of Jonah and Dominic, it's not my place to say anything, and the situation is obviously delicate, but I have this overwhelming need to tell the guys now, even though I know logically that Jynx isn’t going to message in the next couple of hours and say that she needs us.
I’m not going to be able to concentrate on anything until I do, and if I go down there to see if Jonah and Dominic have left yet the guys are going to immediately know that there’s something going on and question me on it, and I don’t want to make things awkward.
So, I decide to send Trick a text instead.