“Thanks. I got pretty good at reading things really quickly when I used to break into his office. It was either that or I got caught, and it was not worth getting caught.” Luc replies, and then quickly changes the subject, “There was a lot of information in the file and I'm sure that I missed some things. We will need to go over it carefully before we try to do anything.”

“You’re right, the last thing we need is to go in all guns blazing and risk him escaping. We need as much information as possible so we have the best chance to capture him once and for all.” Atlas replies.

“Maybe we should go back to the house and see if we can find anything else there; I only managed to get the file out. There may be something else in there that I hadn’t noticed,” Luc suggests.

“No one is touching anything in there,” Peter says firmly, staring us all down.

I smile, “Nope, no one is going back in that safe without a full fucking hazmat suit.”

“You aren’t going anywhere,” Trick says looking at Luc, “not for the moment anyway. You need to rest.”

I feel Luc sigh, and I know he is not happy about it but it’s tough, we have no idea if that poison is going to have any long-lasting effects on him, he needs to take it easy.

“Okay, I hear you.” He replies and then changes the subject by adding, “You guys should probably go and get some sleep; I really do feel better, so you guys don’t need to stay.”

I snort, “You really think we’re going to leave you.”

Luc chuckles, “No, I didn’t, not really.”

“He is right though, it’s late,” Cash adds, “we should all probably get some sleep.”

“Good idea, I’m shattered,” Jensen replies, and in the time that it takes me to look at him, he is slumped down in his chair, his head resting on the back of the seat and his eyes closed.

“Has he gone to sleep?” Rafe asks incredulously.

Riot is the closest to Jensen other than me and he leans closer to Jensen, “Yep, he’s asleep. I imagine he is going to start snoring any second now.”

I can’t help smiling; the fact that he can fall asleep so fucking quickly, even in unknown situations and uncomfortable positions, always amuses me. He must have been really tired this time though because he fell asleep even quicker than usual.

“We should probably let the doctor know that Luc is awake,” Riot points out.

“Good idea,” Atlas replies, “and then we won’t be woken up too soon for observations because they can do them while they are here.”

Luc reaches to his left and presses a button that calls the nurse, and I reluctantly get off the bed so they can assess him properly. When I turn to look at him, his pout makes me chuckle.

Leaning forward, I kiss him softly before I say, “I will come back for snuggles in a minute. They can’t check you over if I am in the way.”

“I know that I just don’t like it,” he replies with a smirk.

“I’m going to go and see if I can find some blankets or something from somewhere,” I suggest with a smile.

“I’ll come too,” Rage offers as he stands up and stretches, exposing a strip of his stomach. He catches me looking and winks at me.

“Is everything okay in here?” the nurse asks as she walks in, and then immediately smiles, “Ah, you are awake, good. I will just go and get the doctor.”

Rage and I follow the nurse out of the room and go in search of blankets. This is an organization hospital, so there should be a room on every floor that has blankets and even some simple spare clothes for teams to help themselves to if they need them. When members get brought into these hospitals, it tends to be because something has gone wrong on a job, which means that the situations are often life-threatening or emergency, which means that whole teams turn up at the hospital with nothing but the gear that they have with them.

It just makes sense to have extras at the hospital since they are needed more often than not.

Rage reaches for my hand, threading his tattooed fingers through mine, and squeezes gently, making me look up at him. His green eyes glance my way, and worry is evident in them.

“Are you okay? You fully went down the rabbit hole back there.” He asks me.

I sigh, “Yeah. I started panicking and then I got really mad and of course that meant that I got stabby.”

Rage chuckles, “Okay, I thought so, but I was just checking to make sure that you are doing alright. We have been on the go fora while now, and we haven’t really had much of a chance to check in with each other.”

“I know.” I reply, “Hopefully, we will be able to take a break after this. We should go on holiday or something after we have finally put Hunt away, I think we deserve it.”