“I don’t think that’s ever been a thing,” Luc replies.
“But, I . . .”
“Jensen, gorgeous, I’m messing with you.”
His mouth drops open for a moment before he reaches over and starts tickling me; over the sound of my laughter, he replies, “I should know better by now.”
“You really should,” Rage replies, finally succumbing to his own laughter.
Jensen stops tickling me and grabs my neck, pulling me as close to him as he can in the confines of the car, and kisses me roughly; by the time that he pulls away, I can’t remember my own fucking name, let alone what the fuck we were talking about, and I just stare at him.
I am not even mad for his smug as fuck smile because, quite frankly, he has earned it; the man could ask me to do literally anything right now, and I would just nod and do it.
The car is silent, and as I glance around, I see all of the other's heated eyes watching me, even Luc, who should be focused on the road right now.
“Wait a fucking minute,” Jensen suddenly says as something occurs to him. His outburst has the others snapping out of their lusty thoughts.
“What?” Luc asks, his eyes, thankfully back on the road. The sun has now completely set, and I'm getting sleepy.
It’s not like Jensen, and I actually managed to get any sleep last night. We spent most of it in that giant house and walking through hidden tunnels. I will admit that there are worse ways to spend a night, hell, I have spent nights in worse ways, but it is catching up to me now and my bed is calling to me.
“You guys all knew that she was messing with me and instead of warning me, and helping me, you decided to join in?” Jensen questions sounding a mixture of offended and amused.
“Of course,” Rage replies with a smirk.
Jensen promptly flips him off and then points at them alternately, “Just you wait; I'm going to remember this; I’ll get you all back.”
Luc starts chuckling, “No, you won’t. As soon as you fall asleep, you will forget.”
Jensen frowns as he thinks about what Luc’s said and then replies, “You don’t know me.”
That sentence is so bazaar that it makes us all laugh, and Jensen eventually joins in and consoles himself with extra cakes from the bag. The drive home seems twice as long as it usually does, but I am determined to stay awake; I would rather get a full, proper night's sleep in my own bed than fall asleep in the car and wake up again to get ready for bed; it is just easier. At least I find it easier. I'm not the only one fighting sleep, Jensen is too, but he's just started humming to himself in order to keep himself awake.
He is doing it quietly, but I can’t place the tune, and it’s driving me crazy.
“Dude,” Rage says, turning around in the front seat and glancing at Jensen.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I was doing it out loud,” Jensen replies immediately.
“No, I don’t mind,” Rage says, “but what the hell are you singing?”
Jensen smirks, “Erm,Thorn In My Side, by the Eurythmics, I went eighties for some reason.”
“Thank you,” I say dramatically, “I’ve been trying to place the tune for ages.”
“Me too,” Luc and Rage say at the same time, making me smile.
“I think I have that,” Luc says, and adds to Rage, “go through my playlists, I have an eighties favorites one, put it on, I’m in the mood for some good music.”
“On it,” Rage replies, Luc’s phone in his hand already as he starts to do as Luc asked.
For the rest of the car journey, we all sing eighties songs at the top of our lungs, and I am actually surprised at how well I know some of the songs. Ones that I thought I only knew one or two lines of, I know full verses of.
It is a lot of fun and keeps us awake for the rest of the drive home. When we finally arrive at home, with the music blasting, the guys in the other car raise their eyebrows.
“I think I was in the wrong car,” Cash says as he pulls me under his arm and kisses the top of my head.
“Oh, you definitely were; we had a blast,” I reply with a smile that quickly turns into a yawn. Spotting Peter still with them, I realize that they didn’t drop him off and ask, “Staying up here?”