“Yeah, we made them promise,” I say. Adding with a frown, “It has only just occurred to me that we didn’t all have to come here to drop the evidence off. The other car could have gone home.”

The guys all share a look like it hadn’t actually occurred to any of them either and chuckle.

“Good point,” Atlas answers me and then adds, “well we’re here now.”

“Why don’t you guys get coffee and snacks for the drive back to our house and I’ll go and drop this down to the lab,” I suggest.

“Sounds good to me; I’m starving,” Jensen immediately replies, with Rage nodding enthusiastically in agreement.

“Can I come with you?” Peter asks, “I’d like to check in on Emmerson, I haven’t seen her since before Mr R told her about her mother dying.”

“Of course,” I reply, “I was hoping to run into her anyway.”

“See you guys in a bit then,” Cash says, as we split up, the guys going to the café and Peter and I heading to the labs.

“Is Emmerson even here still?” I ask Peter.

He got pretty close with her while they were developing the detection systems for the chips that Hunt was putting in everyone and going over the list of inventions that she helped to create. Peter actually needs to get back into the lab as soon as he can so that they can carry on working on the counter weapons for the inventions that Hunt has that can be countered and protection against those that can’t.

Peter shrugs, “She had no plans to go anywhere else. She liked that she was helping to fix the problem that she had a hand in creating when she designed and built those weapons for Hunt. But that was before her mother died. She was incredibly close to her mother, so that is going to have hit her hard, and I have no idea what kind of effect that will have on her mental health.”

I frown. “It may make her even more determined to get the list done, and go through all of her inventions and stuff, so that we can take Hunt down quicker.”

Pete pulls a face and nods, “It could. Or it could make her behave through her anger, which could be a very dangerousthing. Especially with a mind like hers and what she is capable of.”

“Shit, you’re right,” I reply, worrying about Emmerson. She has been through enough in her life, and going down the anger route may potentially destroy her future. I don’t want that to happen to her. I want her to have the future she deserves and until her mom died, she seemed like she was happy doing what she was doing here and as she put it on the good side.

Without replying to Peter, I pull out my phone.

Me:I know it has been a few days since Emmerson found out about her mom, and I know you are busy as fuck rounding up Hunt’s associates, but would you keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t go supervillain on us?

Rylie:I’m already on it. Or at least I am trying to be, I’m not at Headquarters as much as I would like to be. I am checking in as much as I can; she just seems to be really fucking sad and angry but not angry enough that I'm concerned.

Me:I thought you would be. I suddenly panicked about it. I like Emmerson.

Rylie:Me too; she reminds me of us.

Me:Slightly worrying. Haha. Are you at Headquarters now?

Rylie:No, I’m picking up more of Hunt’s associates. You would not believe some of the names on the list.

Me:I know he is well-connected.

Rylie:Oh, even more so than I thought he was. I might actually need your help with one of the targets soon, you up for it?

Me:Hell fucking yeah. I thought you worked alone though, and yes, I am doing air quotes.

Rylie:Haha, you are hilarious. I do, but you are the exception to the rule in this case. Besides, I'm not stupid; I can admit it when I need help. This one I definitely need help with.

Me:Awesome, I’m definitely in. Run it by Mr R, not that I think he will have a problem with it and then let me know when you need me. I'm pretty busy with this lead that we have but I will try and get away.

Rylie:Okay, I will let you know.

“Is everything okay?” Peter asks me.

I nod as I put my phone away again, “Yeah, I was just asking Rylie to keep an eye on Emmerson, which, in retrospect, was silly because she was already, and I should have known that she would’ve been on the ball.”

“Yeah, Rylie was looking out for Emmerson anyway, even before her mom died,” Pete replies as we finally get to the lab and knock on the door.