Trick grins sheepishly as he hands me a letter and two folders. I raise my eyebrows and then burst out laughing as I read the letter.

“I think you guys should be worried that she is laughing,” Rage mutters.

I shake my head, “You guys really thought I wouldn’t believe you?”

Trick shrugs, “Nope, especially since I haven’t exactly been the best patient with it.”

I move over to where he is sitting next to Cash, “Are you sure that you are, okay? I know what the doctor's note said, but now you have had it off, does it feel okay?”

He nods, “Yeah, it feels great, actually, a little bit strange but not painful.”

“It’s the same for me,” Cash adds.

I grin, “Then I’m super glad you managed to convince the doctor to take them off.”

I kiss both of them softly, I know they were both struggling with their casts, although Trick was slightly more vocal about it then Cash was, neither of them were coping too well with being out of action. It is great news that they are healed enough that they can get back into everything again. I have a feeling that we are going to need all the help that we can get.

The food is quickly handed out, and Luc comes to sit next to me on the couch, one hand on my leg while the other picks up his fries.

When everyone has nearly finished, Trick asks, “Okay, so what happened? How come it took you so long? We expected you back within an hour, maybe two max.”

I turn to face Luc, “Before we get into everything, I need to tell you that your mom was the one that tripped the cameras.”

Luc’s eyes widen, “My mom? I thought she was on the island.”

“That’s what we thought too; we asked Alaric though, and as far as they are all aware, that’s where she is,” Jensen explains.

“They have no record of her leaving the country?” Atlas asks, his eyebrow raised.

We all know what it means if she is in the country with no one officially being aware.

Jensen nods, “Yeah.”

“Fuck, she was out of it. She was away from my father and all of his shit, stupid woman.” Luc curses.

I share a look with Pete and Jensen, we called it, well Jensen did. Luc's mad as hell that she is back in the kind of life that she barely managed to escape.

“We don’t have any other details than that she was there.” I reply, “There is a chance that she wasn’t pulled back in voluntarily. It is obvious from the security footage that we have that she is more knowledgeable of this world than we had originally assumed.”

Luc sighs, “Honestly, it would not surprise me. She was with my dad for decades, and she was aware of what he was up to. I was always under the impression that she kept out of it, but maybe I was wrong.”

“She went straight to the floor safe and was really pissed that it was empty,” I tell him.

“I had no idea she knew that it existed,” Luc mutters with a frown and then looks at Pete and asks, “can you show me the footage?”

“Sure, let me just pull it up,” Pete says as he moves his food out of the way and pulls his laptop out of the bag that he always carries.

“How come you never told us that you had a safe room in the security room?” Jensen asks Luc curiously while we wait for Pete to do his thing.

Luc’s eyebrows dip in the middle as he runs a hand over his beard, something that he usually does when he is confused or thinking about something particularly hard.

“We don’t have a safe room in the security room, at least not one that I knew about,” he replies.

“They’d really install a safe room and not tell you?” Rage asks.

Luc nods, “Oh yeah, definitely. They are assholes, and I was a burden and not someone that they wanted around. They would only think of themselves in a situation that would require a safe room. I am curious though; I have spent quite a bit of time in that room keeping an eye on my father and what he was up to and deleting footage that showed me in places where I shouldn’t be.”

“You deleted footage?” Pete asks, interrupting Luc and changing the subject.