“We’re all good, we've actually got some good news,” Cash replies. He then goes on to explain everything that happened, what we witnessed, what we learned and also what was discussed with Alaric.

“That’s great news,” Trick replies, “I’m glad you guys are heading home today, we’re all missing you and none of us were entirely comfortable having Ever that close to Hunt and knowing that he’s looking for her.”

“Yeah, we’re all glad to head home and have a really good fucking lead, too,” I reply.

“Jensen, what about you guys? Did you see anything?” Trick asks.

“Yeah, we followed some trucks into the second entrance because Quinn recognized the drivers as being people who worked with Hunt. They all cleared off for some reason, and we were able to see what was in the crates that they were unloading; it was a massive shipment of guns, and we got all the usual things we need for evidence.” Jensen explains, and I know he is giving us the simple version because he’s so tired.

“How come it took you guys so long to get home then? Hunt’s people said the shipment was arriving as they spoke, so you should have come back around the same time we did?” I ask curiously.

Ezra yawns and replies, “We sort of got stuck, we had to wait until the gates opened again and we could sneak out without drawing any attention to ourselves.”

“That took longer than we thought, and we ended up not getting out until the trucks that we followed left, so it took a few hours.” Jensen carries on the explanation.

“Okay, that makes sense,” Trick replies and then adds, “You sound absolutely exhausted. Get some sleep, and we will see you at home soon.”

“Bye,” I say, and we hang up.

I don’t bother asking them any questions about what happened on their end; there is absolutely no point since a quick glance behind me tells me that they are both already fast asleep.

I share a smile with Cash, who of course has noticed the same thing that I have. Neither of us speak as we continue to drive though not wanting to wake any of them up since they must have only gotten an hour or so of sleep before they had to get up again. Not that Cash and I didn't get much more but we got enough that we are safe to drive and that is the main thing right now.

My phone pings with a text, and I glance down immediately, smiling as I read it.

Rafe:Any requests for what you want for dinner?

Me:Something super comforting we are all exhausted and I have missed your cooking almost as much as I have missed you.

Rafe:I can guarantee that I have missed you more and comforting I can work with.

Me:You are the best.

Rafe:I know. How far away are you?

Me:We are nearly halfway and at the point where I am going to switch with Cash, so if I stop replying that’s why.

Rafe:Okay, Baby, drive safe. I will make sure that there is something comforting waiting for you guys when you get home.

Me:Thank you.

Rafe:Oh, and heads up, Trick got bored and worried in your absence.

Me:He rearranged the front room again, didn’t he?

Rafe:Lol, yep, you guessed it in one. Don’t worry. Luc has been making him rest, too, since he’s only just had his cast off, and we stepped in as soon as we realized what he was doing so he didn’t strain his leg too much, although he’s been doing really well with his rehab, so it’s more of a precaution now than something that we’re actually worried about.

Me:You know, I think I would be more surprised if he didn’t do it. He always rearranges one of the rooms when some of us go on a job, and he is left at home. The front room was a guess purely because it has been a while since he has rearranged that one.

Rafe:Yeah, it was a good guess. To be honest, I do prefer it this way but don’t tell him.

Me:Don’t worry, I won't.

I leave the conversation there since we are getting close to a service station. Instead, I quietly talk to Cash while the others are still fast asleep.

“Guess what Trick did?” I ask with a smile.

“I’m going to assume that he rearranged something?” Cash smirks.