I nod, “Yeah, I’m up for that.”

Trick nods, “Yeah, that sounds good. It’s not too far from here, so you should be able to check it out and get back pretty quickly. Are you both armed?”

“Always,” I say at the same time as Jensen, and we share a look.

“Good. Keep in contact and let us know if you find anything or on the off chance that you need back up.” Atlas adds.

“Got it,” I reply as I shuffle to the edge of the bed and put my boots back on.

“On the ground floor, down the second corridor to the left, if you press the panel, it should open up to reveal the security room. The house is covered in cameras, and I see no reason why they would not still be operational. It might be a good idea to check them. Especially if the cameras were only placed on the outside of the house.”

“Yeah, we can do that,” Jensen replies, “I’m fairly sure I remember where the security room is.”

I say a quick goodbye to all of the guys and then nod to Jensen, heading out of the door and to the car.

Once we're on the way, Jensen says, “Is it bad that I kind of hope that we’re going to be stepping into some trouble?”

“Is it bad that I kind of agree with you?” I smirk.

“That’s my girl,” Jensen grins. “It is always strange when we come back here, but it’s especially strange going back to Luc’s house. We haven’t been there for a long time, and we didn’t go there very often, so it really is like going back in time.

“Yeah, I can understand that,” I reply.

It’s strange enough for me to come back here, and collectively, I spent a lot less time here than they did; of course, my time here was monumental in my memory, and being here with all of the history always knocks me a little bit. No matter how long it has been, I still feel like the scared kid that was forced to leave my boys. We may all be back together now and have been for years, but I don’t think I will ever fully get over it. Then again, there are a few things that have happened that are going to take a while to heal from.

“The gates are still open,” I comment as Jensen pulls up the driveway.

“Maybe Alaric forgot to shut them?” Jensen suggests with a frown.

“Yeah, maybe, but it would not be like him to forget something like that. I mean, it’s practically inviting people to come up to the house.”

“You’re right. There is a very real chance that it is just kids exploring the house that has been locked up for years.” Jensen replies and then smirks as he parks the car, “I mean, it’s something we would’ve done.”

I grin, “No, we would’ve come to have a look even when it was all locked up out of sheer curiosity.”

“True.” He replies, the headlights shining on the front of the house. “Well, we’ve very definitely let our presence be known, so if it was some kids, they have no doubt been scared off.”

“And if it wasn’t, then the fuckers know we’re here,” I point out.

Jensen shrugs as he pulls out his gun and checks it over, “It’s a good job we love all things dangerous then, isn’t it, Angel?”

I grin, “Oh yeah, we definitely love all things dangerous.” His eyes heat, and I smirk, “We don’t have time for that, maybe later.”

“Deal,” he replies seriously.

“Let’s go,” I reply, “clear the house first and then we can check out the cameras and see if anything really did trip them.”

“I wouldn’t put it past Hunt to send someone else as soon as his first didn’t bring back what he wanted,” Jensen replies.

“Exactly,” I nod.

We waste no more time talking as we both approach the house, checking the perimeter and making sure that we are not about to get ambushed.

Damn, I love this.

Without needing to communicate with words, Jensen tries the handle of the door, and we share a look as it clicks open. There is a small chance that Alaric left the gates open but there is absolutely no chance that he left the door unlocked. Even a rookie agent wouldn’t do that.

This means there is definitely someone here, whether that is someone to do with Hunt or someone curious, we will have to find out. We pull our weapons; if it is some kids, then we have our badges on us like we always do, and we will just scare the bejeebus out of them and hopefully deter them from entering any more private properties even if they do seem abandoned.