“Let us know if Jynx gets in contact with you and needs back up,” Trick says.
I nod, “I’ve actually messaged her this morning and given her a heads up that Cash, Jensen, and I are going on a surveillance job, so if she needs us to message you guys instead.”
Trick smiles, “In that case, we will let you know. Don’t forget to take two go bags with you in case we need to head straight for Jynx.”
I nod, “They are already in the car; I saw Cash take them out before breakfast.”
He doesn’t say anything else; he just pulls me in closer and kisses me. There is nothing gentle about this kiss as I move toward him, trying to get impossibly closer, my arms wrapping around his neck as he lifts me with ease, my feet dangling.
When he pulls back, his face is serious as he puts both hands on my cheeks and says, “Stay safe and come the fuck home, Ever.”
I nod, “You got it, Sir.”
He growls, his eyes immediately heating as he picks me back up so suddenly it makes me squeal; my laughter at his reaction comes to an abrupt end as he slants his mouth over mine, kissing me deeply and making me forget my own damn name.
A throat clears, but I am so wrapped up in Trick that I just ignore it.
“Guys, we really need to go, and if you carry on, we’re all going to end up naked, and I’m not sure Pete’s going to appreciate that,” Riot says loudly, the heat evident in his voice.
“Ew, definitely not, I love y’all, but we’re family and I do not need to see any of that, thank you very much,” Pete replies.
His words are so indignant that I can’t help but burst out laughing, effectively ending the moment between Trick and me.
“Whoops,” I say as Trick puts me down.
“See you guys later,” I add as I decide it is probably a good idea just to leave now rather than stay around any longer. I'm only likely to get distracted again.
The guys all followed us out and stand on the porch waving goodbye.
I am so fucking lucky.
Peter obviously thinks so too because he mouths ‘lucky bitch’ at me as he waves goodbye, making me laugh and making Cash and Jensen give me questioning looks, which I just shrug in reply to.
We all head back inside. Some of the guys are going to write up reports on what happened yesterday, and some are going back to the breakfast table to get a second cup of coffee. We have actually got a fairly relaxed few days unless Jynx calls, of course.
Also, none of us are ever really that relaxed when we are missing people. I always prefer it when we go on jobs as a team, even if it means that the jobs are more dangerous; I am damnglad that we all went yesterday, it wasn’t supposed to be that big of a job, and usually, in that instance, we wouldn’t all go.
Thank fuck we did.
“How often are they checking in?” Rafe asks.
“Every day.” Trick replies, “The same as usual.”
“Do you think they’ll get the chance to take Hunt down?” Atlas asks.
Luc shrugs, “We don’t even know if he is still using it. He clearly knew that Drake had kept some things about him that he shouldn’t have, or he wouldn’t have sent people to the house to look for it.”
“Do we know how he knew that?” I ask.
Luc frowns, “I think we can assume that since my mom’s there, she most likely had a hand in it.”
“Yeah, I think for now we go with that assumption; I know that Mr R has people looking into it since we’re busy with the stake out and the shipping yard,” Trick replies, looking down at something on his phone and frowning.
“What’s up?” Riot asks before I do, obviously noticing the same thing.
“Huh?” Trick asks and looks up, “Oh, nothing, there's supposed to be a big storm coming in next week sometime, we just need to be aware of it. They aren’t sure exactly how bad it is going to be yet.”