“Can I check?” Luc asks.

She nods, “Yeah, go for it.”

We all step out of the way so that Luc can do his thing, and Emmerson doesn’t feel like she is being watched the whole time; no one wants that while they are having their injuries assessed.

“Do we have any idea how far out the transport teams are?” Trick asks.

Rafe nods, “They said about twenty minutes, when I contacted them, Mr R already had some on the way. That was about fifteen minutes ago so they should be here any minute now.”

“Great, thanks Rafe,” Trick replies, and then asks, “give me the short version?”

“It’s pretty straightforward, there were four people guarding the side entrance, we took them down and secured them then headed in here,” Rafe responds.

Trick nods and then looks at Atlas, Peter, and me.

“The people we ran into were having a smoke break as far as I could tell; they weren’t very aware, at least; we took them down and secured them, the same as Rafe and the others,” I explain.

“They were well trained, and they immediately fought; they didn’t ask us what we were doing here or anything like thatas the average person would; they jumped straight into fight mode,” Atlas adds.

“Yeah, these guys are well-trained,” Rafe agrees.

“So, we’re thinking that Hunt most likely has something going on here then?” Riot asks.

I nod, along with the others, and say, “Definitely, and if it’s not him, then someone else who is up to no good is.”

“It’s definitely Hunt,” Emmerson says as she hobbles over to us, “Luc said I’m all good.”

Luc’s eyebrows lift, “Luc did not say that; I said that you most likely have a cracked rib, and the cut on your cheek needs to be closed with some steri- strips and is most likely going to leave a scar.”

Emmerson shrugs, “That’s what I said.”

Her response makes both Pete, and I chuckle as Luc rolls his eyes.

“What do you mean, it’s definitely Hunt?” Trick asks.

Emmerson’s eyes darken with anger, “He wasn’t here when I arrived, but these men are definitely working for him. They said that they couldn’t kill me because Hunt wants me alive and that Hunt thought I was dead, now they know that I am alive, Hunt would be very interested to see me.”

I raise my eyebrows, “That’s not good.”

She shakes her head, “No, it's not; I fucked up in a massive way more than just almost getting myself killed, and now he knows I’m alive, and he’s most likely coming for me.”

Trick shakes his head, “We won’t let that happen.”

“But how? There is no way that Mr. R will let me go back to headquarters now.” she frowns, “Which is another good thing that I’ve fucked up by coming here; I’m such a fucking idiot.”

Chapter Eighteen


Peter grins, “Yes, you are.” When she sighs sadly, he crouches down next to her and adds, “But you are also kind, generous, fun, and incredibly talented when it comes to all things tech. You have made a lot of friends in the short time you have spent with us. There is no way that Mr R is going to not allow you to come back, not only because we all want you there, we recognize a mistake, and more importantly, you do too, but because it would now be incredibly unsafe to have you anywhere else.”

“He’s right, even in the unlikely event that he didn’t want you back at headquarters, he absolutely wouldn’t just abandon you; that’s not how he or we work,” Trick adds.

“You really think he’s going to let me carry on working there?” she asks, hope flooding her features and making her look a lot younger than her nineteen years.

I nod, “Absolutely, although I have to warn you, I think he’s most likely going to insist that you get some proper training, just in case something like this happens again.”

Emmerson nods, “I’d actually really like that.”