“Because he’s deranged,” Cecilia groans, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Anyways,” I interject quickly. “As I’m sure you know, our little friend Hodge has been in cahoots with Mayor Fireux, who is now in cahoots with Dante, who is head of the Amato’s, the men who tried to hurt you. Another mafia family.”
Her eyes widened, and the information instantly took her aback. “Wait, Chuck Fireux is working with…he was just?—”
“At your library,” I finish for her. “That’s a problem.”
“What kind of problem?” Her eyes shift worriedly now between me and Tobias. “I knew it wasn’t a coincidence,” she grumbles to herself.
“The kind of problem where you are now a target to help them get what they want.”
She gasps softly. “Which is what?”
“More power.”
She shakes her head. “Let me get this right. Chuck is angry because you are bribing the police, who are also working with your brother, in turn making him look weak and irresponsible. Hodge wants to expose your illegal market dealings to get ahead in business, and Dante is…I don’t know what he wants.”
“Okay, little mastermind, keep your voice down,” Tobias says lowly.
“Dante wants control of the city entirely, control that my brother Luccio has. I have sway with the police, which is what Chuck is after from me, which, in turn, would boost Dante’s family.”
Cecilia slumps back against the booth. “It all sounds so petty out loud.”
I chuckle. “It is, but at the end of the day, it’s a power grab, and these men will do anything for more power.”
“You’ve put yourself in the middle of some dangerous men, Lia. This is why I told you to stay out of things,” Tobias grouses.
“Well, maybe I wouldn’t put myself in the middle of dangerous men if you wouldn’t put yourself in the middle of dangerous men,” she fires back.
“Well, now we’re all in the middle, so guess what? You’re being put on house arrest,” Tobias says.
She scoffs. “House arrest? Seriously? You’re going to lock me up in my apartment?”
“Nope,” Tobias says with a bit of extra pop to his lips. “We have arranged somewhat of a safe house for you.”
“A safe house? What safe house?”
I smirk at her, resting my elbows on the table. “You’re coming home with me, babe.”
Chapter Thirty-One
“I’m not getting out of the car,” I snap to Tobias. He holds the car door open, waiting not so patiently for me to get out. I don’t know what planet he was living on these days, but he and James were both delusional if they thought I would stay here.
I appreciated where they were coming from while worrying for my safety, and even more so, I appreciated all my brothers' complete transparency. Although I had already figured it all out on my own, which is why I’m in this mess, it didn’t change the fact that I was not going into that house.
I glance over at the front of the building. Two giant double doors with scary monstrous faces on them and knockers hanging from their mouths stare back at me alongside James, leaning against said doors with an amused expression.
He’s worn that exact face practically all night. I wanted to smack it right off him.
Apparently, he finds my discomfort funny. I didn’t understand why he was being as incessant as my brother. I was finally leaving him alone like he wanted in the first place, yet here he is, intervening in parts of my life that he isn’t wantedanymore. The sad part of it all, though, was despite wanting to move on from all of this, being even remotely tugged back into the vicinity of James felt like returning to a place where my soul craved to belong. It was always madness being around him, but I realized I severely liked it.
“Get out of the car, Cecilia,” Tobias demands with his assertive voice that doesn’t scare me whatsoever.
“I am not getting out of the car. I don’t have any of my stuff, and… this place is ridiculous. I mean, look at it. It’s almost bigger than his ego. I’ll get lost inside.” I hear James laugh, which only infuriates me even more.
I glanced at the dark stone mansion once again. It was definitely more than three stories, hidden behind wrought iron gates covered in weeds and ivy, out of sight from public view. I didn’t even realize Boston had such properties like this here, but apparently, they do, and of course, James owns one of them. It was like it was straight from a dark fairytale.