Page 37 of As the World Falls

“What face?” I chime.

“You’re smiling like an insane person. Knock it off.”

“I can’t help it. James Kingston said I was right. In a room full of people. Do you know what that does to a girl’s ego?”

He stopped just in front of his office and turned to face me. “Ah, so youdovalue my judgment?”

My stomach dipped, and I realized that he might be right. I wasn’t sure why I did, but suddenly, after being here this week and witnessing firsthand how powerful he was, I did come to find a small amount of respect for him. But still, I lie to him anyway.

“I don’t, but it’s cute that you keep hoping for it.”

He moves closer to me, his head dropping so close to my face that his scent slams into me like a wrecking ball. He smells so good, and the heat of his stunning gaze feels like all the oxygen is being sucked straight out of me. His eyes roam my face without speaking, and I can’t help but stare back at him despite feeling unsettled by his abrupt closeness.

“You better wipe that smile off your face, little owl, or the people here might think I’m doing something else in this officeto put it on you,” he says lowly before pulling away and stalking back into his office, leaving me standing alone outside with legs that now felt like jelly.

My face was burning hot, and I could barely move. I felt like I was going to melt like butter if I tried. Seriously, just what was he implying? And why did that particular scenario not instantly sicken me?

I decide not to reply to him because my brain is now scrambled, and I stalk into his office as if I were unaffected and sit back in my chair. I covered my face with my book of word searches because I couldn’t bear to make eye contact with him. Thankfully, he gets onto his computer, paying me no attention. I relax a little, filling in my word search to distract myself.

After about five minutes, though, I couldn’t help but peek at him from over my book and observe him as he paid attention elsewhere. I could only see his brown eye right now, and I liked how it looked from this angle. I couldn’t tell that he had two different colored eyes. It makes me picture him with only brown, and I like the way it looks, making his icy hair pop more against the warmth of them.

He had a strong nose, too. I feel like not many people pay attention to noses, but I did. I liked a good, strong nose. His was definitely a nice one. His jaw, too…it was so squared and chiseled, like sharp stone. He looked as though man created him to show what perfection could look like. It sucks that they forgot to add a soul to him because the man was downright wicked despite being gorgeous.

“You’re staring, babe,” he says without taking his attention off his computer. I jump in my seat at his abrupt voice and force my eyes back on the book in front of me.

“I was not,” I mumble, sparing him a glance.

“That’s all right.” He smirks, still looking at his computer. “We’re both seeming to boost each other's egos today.”

“Whatever,” I grumble, slumping in my seat. Thankfully, his phone rings, and he answers it. He talks to whoever is on the other line for a couple of minutes, and when he hangs up, he stands from his seat.

“I’ll be right back,” he says, walking towards the door.

“Where are you going?”

“It’s a personal matter. Stay here,” he demands before walking out of the office and shutting me inside.


“Are you kidding me?” I rasp, staring at the door. Personal matters are exactly what I wanted to be present for, but of course, he probably knows that, and that is why he shut me in here.

I look around his office now, stopping at his desk. Well… I guess I’ll have to find something myself in here. I slowly rose from my seat and traipsed behind his desk, sitting in his much more comfortable chair than the one I’d been occupying. I shuffle some papers around his desk, not finding anything of importance. I glance at the door again, listening closely for voices, and when I hear nothing, I continue my search.

I opened his desk drawers and found nothing but office supplies. I didn’t dare get on his computer because I didn’t have the bravery for that level of snooping. I pulled out the center drawer of his desk and shuffled through it. I picked up a box of blank envelopes, tossing them aside when a picture fell from under the box.

I picked it up and saw two little boys standing side by side in the photo. One had darker hair and slightly tanner skin, and the other was paler, with icy blonde hair and two different-colored eyes. I couldn’t help the catch in my chest at seeing James as a little boy. I was curious who the other one was beside him. They looked to be about twelve years old or so.

I flipped the picture over, and the names James and Stefano were scribbled in small cursive writing in the top left corner. Stefano? As in…Stefano Luccio?

The door opens, and I drop the picture, slamming the drawer shut as James walks inside. He stops at the entrance, his cold glare feeling like it’s cutting me in half.

“What are you doing?” he asks slowly.

“I was…I was looking for…” I sputter in fear, unable to find a single word.

“That’s just it. You’re always looking for something, aren’t you?” he snaps, striding towards me now with an entirely new air around him that I’ve never felt before. I always knew he wasn’t to be trusted. I always felt like he was dangerous, but I guess I never felt any of that danger aimed at me.

Until now.