Page 81 of As the World Falls

“You and me. What are we doing today?”

“We are doing nothing. You are going home.”

“Only if you’re coming with me.” Her eyes widened another fraction, and I chuckled. She was easily rattled this morning, and I was kind of enjoying it. After proving I had her under my security protection, I convinced her brother to head back to the city, leaving out the gritty details of last night’s escapades, but either way, she was all mine again, and I fucking loved having her all to myself.

“That’s also not happening. Ever,” she replies sternly.

I moved closer to her until I stood just before her. “You want to bet on that?”

She looks up at me, her eyes searing me. “You need to quit this act of yours.”

I look at her, confused now. “What act?”

“This acting like you want me thing. It’s gross and a little unkind.”

“Gross?” I scoff. “And who the hell said it was an act?”

“Come on,” she challenges. “What else would it be?”

I stare at her, taking in her beauty that was never created to be mine, but I want so badly anyway. Despite how much I could tell her body warms toward mine, I could see the fear swimming in her gaze. I could tell she wasn’t ready for me to say to her just how much I’m starting to not only want her but need her. I hated going days without seeing her. I thought of ways I could get my hands on her, even if only to touch the tips of her fingers with mine. I needed to spend time with her first, if only to prove to her that an act is the last thing this is.

“I think the answer would be entirely too much for you,” I tell her. “So, instead, how about you answer my original question? What are we doing today?”

“Why are you being so persistent? Don’t you have work or more pressing matters to tend to?”

“Nothing is more important than you, especially after last night. It’s best I stay close because if men like that want to follow up with you, they don’t beat around the bush. They’ll make their move today. I want to be near just in case that happens.”

She stills now, her gaze locked onto mine, frozen like ice. “Do you think they’ll do that? Come find me?”

I shake my head. “No. I don’t,” I lie, hoping that was the case. “As much as I adore you, babe, you’re nothing to them. Plus, I have others keeping an eye on their moves. I think it’ll be alright.”

“That Dante guy knew my name. Should I be worried about him? Who is he?”

“Don’t worry about it. Like I said, it’ll be alright, and I have extra eyes on them should anything happen.”

“Like whom? My brother?”

“No, not your brother. I trust someone else enough to handle it, so believe me when I tell you it’s probably fine.”

She cocks a curious brow at me now. “There’s someone else on this earth with James Kingston’s trust? Who is this magical creature?”

I shake my head, grinning at her. “You’ll have to spend a little more time with me before you start getting all my secrets.” She rolls her eyes, and I fight every urge inside me to grab her little cocky mouth with my hand and give her a reason to keep her eyes on mine.

“So, I really have to spend the day with you?” she grumbles.

“You can drop the façade, Cecilia. I know you’re absolutely desperate to have my company.” She blushes and looks backdown at her feet again, and it feels like the room is getting a hundred degrees warmer. I grin, using my finger to lift her chin and meet my eyes again. “You look like you’re thinking some very naughty things, babe.”

She shoves my hand away from her. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

“I don’t need to. You already have.”

“Okay,” she bites out, stepping away from me. “I’m going to get dressed for the day.”

I chuckle, leaning back against her counter. “I’ll be waiting.”

An hour later, Cecilia and I are walking through her local market as she grocery shops for her apartment. I felt strange being out so domestically like this with her. I couldn’t remember the last time I had gone shopping for weeks’ worth of groceries like this. It made me feel a little spoiled and selfish, and I didn’t like it.

She picks up a small cantaloupe and smells the bottom of it before grimacing, setting it back down, and picking up another, doing the same.