He winced a little. “The only time it doesn’t feel great is when you pull out.”
“Sorry,” I told him, landing a kiss on his lips. “So tell me about this ‘practice’ you were doing?”
Danny grinned. “Nothing could’ve prepared me for the real thing.”
“I still can’t believe you were using a dildo.”
“You had mentioned you were more of a top. I figured I should get used to the sensation. Just in case I ever got brave enough to try that with you.”
“I would’ve let you fuck me for our first time, Danny. And if you want to, I’d be down. I’m not astricttop. I’d be whatever you needed.”
He smiled, his eyes going warm and soft as they locked with mine, and he nodded. “I know.”
I hesitated, but I couldn’t help the curiosity I felt. “Did you like it?”
He shrugged. “It was… okay. A little painful at first, I guess. And very strange. But not terrible.” He paused, letting out a laugh. “I wasn’t really hitting the right place, though. Not like you do.”
“I have a lifetime of practice.”
He held my gaze. “It goes without saying, but I’m not comfortable with the hookups. Not now, especially.”
I blinked at him, stunned that he could even imagine that anyone else would ever cross my mind at this point. “Good. Because I belong to you. Body and soul. There won’t be anyone else. Especially not if I’m going to be fucking you three or four times a day.”
“Maybe more,” Danny grinned, leaning forward to land a kiss on my lips.
I shook my head, my eyes going wide with mock-alarm. “Danny, my poor mortal body couldn’t possibly.”
He landed another kiss on my lips and pulled me close, so that our naked bodies were pressed against each other. I cupped his perfect ass and turned the kiss dirtier, parting his lips and exploring his mouth with my tongue.
I started to grow hard again.
Danny pulled back slightly, his eyes dancing with mischief when they met mine. His lips curled into a wicked smirk. “Liar.”
I smirked back. “Guilty as charged. Now, what are you gonna do about it?”
* * *
Our shower took so long that the water turned lukewarm, then cold. But we had both gotten clean—eventually.
“What do you think it’ll be like?” Danny asked, when we were lying in bed together again, with him curled up in my arms. “When we go to Seattle, I mean?”
“Well, it sounds like we’ll be staying put for a couple of months,” I mused. “Having a regular place to crash is something I could get used to, I think. So probably not all bad.”
“We’ll be surrounded by vampires,” Danny said. “I mean, right?”
I gave a mental shrug.You’re a vampire. And besides, these are going to be the good guy vamps, right? Like Bryan and Thierry.
He snorted. “Not sure if Thierry qualifies as a ‘good guy.’”
“You know what I mean.”
Danny nodded and fell silent for a long moment. I could sense the gears spinning in his head.
“Do you want that?” Danny asked suddenly.
I knew, from the bond, what he meant: did I want to put down roots?
And did I? The idea of having a home with Danny, a place that was just ours, after years on the road, a place where we could belong… Well, I didn’t hate it. The idea was actually pretty enticing.