I’m pretty sure he’s not worried about that anymore. He’s apparently seen a number of other blood bonded pairs recently. I think he’s trying to give us some space.
“That’s awfully nice of him.”
Michael chuckled. “I think he’s growing on me. He might actually be a nice guy.”
“He threatened you,” I reminded him, frowning.
“That’s pretty much how I make friends at this point, I guess. My point is, Thierry isn’t talking about leaving me behind anymore. He seems almost…worriedabout you.”
“He should join the club,” I muttered.
“You’re going to be okay,” Michael said. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. Ever.”
“I know that. It’s just…” I trailed off, grimacing. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
Michael stiffened ever so slightly. “Don’t know if you can do what?”
Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I can do you.
I mean, I’m usually more of a top, but I could be versatile for you.
I grinned. That was definitely an interesting possibility and one I was certain we might explore later.Not what I was getting at. But noted.
“You don’t know if you can be a vampire,” Michael said softly, a moment later. It was hard to say if he’d seen the truth in my head or if he just knew me well enough to understand immediately what I had meant.
I nodded. “Yeah. That’s the issue. I don’t know how to do this.”
“We’re going to take this one day at a time, baby.”
I gave him a sideways look, effectively distracted from my dark thoughts. “Baby?”
“Too much?” Michael flashed me an impish smile. “We could try out some other endearments. Like… pumpkin?”
I cringed. “Absolutely not.”
My lips twitched and I shook my head. “Try again.”
“Sugar? Honey? Hunny Bunny?”
I grinned at him. “It’s a good thing we’re bound together by fate.”
Michael grinned back. “How about stud muffin?”
“I will pay you to stop.”
He raised an eyebrow at that. “Oh yeah?”
And then I kissed him. He kissed me back, his intoxicating warmth everywhere, and his strong arms pulling me close to him, crushing me against his body. My cock stirred and I began to grow hard.
How could I have ever doubted that I was interested in guys? Or maybe not guys in the plural, but definitely Michael in the singular. He felt so good on top of me. The most natural thing in the world.
My legs parted and I wrapped them around his waist, groaning a bit at the delicious friction building up between us. I wanted him to fuck me again.
I knew he could sense my desire. And I knew he wanted the same thing. He wanted to slide his hardness deep into me, bury himself to the hilt, pull almost all the way out, then do it again and again, until I was begging—