“Which won’t take long, given how quickly the fire is consuming the golems,” Eli commented.
My phone rang sharply, the ringtone telling me it was an unknown number. I was tempted to ignore it, but trepidation and instinct were stirring. I tugged the phone free, put the call on loudspeaker, and then warily hit the answer button. “Liz Grace speaking.”
“Elizabeth, how pleasant it is to hear your dulcet tones.”
My stomach dropped. Marie. It was Marie.
“Ah, fuck,” Monty said softly. “This can’t be good.”
“What do you want, Marie?” It came out flat and cold, which was surprising given the thick knot of fear that had settled in the middle of my chest.
“I want you to bring Maelle to me tonight. I will accept no more excuses or delays.”
“And if I don’t?”
Though I asked the question, deep in my heart I already knew the answer.
“If you don’t,” she drawled, “your wolf dies.”
“What guarantee do I have that he’s not already dead?” I said, somehow keeping my voice even.
“I would give you my word, but we both know how little faith you now put in that. Ranger, your dear partner wishes to speak to you.”
There was a pause, then, in a voice that shook with pain, he quickly croaked, “Staked, silver rods, long and hooked, located behind?—”
The rest was cut off by the sharp sound of flesh hitting flesh, followed by a low, frustrated growl that was also abruptly cut off. Whether by magic or something else, I had no idea. I clenched my free fist against the wild magic that burned across it, sending bright sparks spinning into the deepening shadows.
“If you do not appear at my desired time and meeting place, I will slowly remove pieces of your man until you do.”
“Is she kidding?” Levi asked softly. Incredulously.
“Sadly, no.” Belle’s reply was somewhat absent. Her attention was on me, ready to step in and help in any way I needed.
I didn’t need help. I needed revenge. Needed these two vampires dead and gone.
There’d been enough pussyfooting around them. I had the power now to contain them both, and I sure as fuck was going to use it.
And, if necessary, Iwouldkill them. Both of them, no matter what it took.
I couldn’t be connected to the wild magic when I did it, but ending their lives with my own damn hand would be a fucking bonus.
There is no “I” in this revenge strategy,Belle said in the background of my thoughts.There is only “we.”
“Where do you want to meet?” I growled.
“I will contact you at twelve-fifteen to give you the GPS location.” Amusement drifted through her voice. “Wouldn’t want to give you the time to plan a surprise attack now, would I?”
“I guess not,” I said. “Talk to you soon.”
“You will. Oh, and before I forget—I will be setting a spell around the meeting point. If you do not have Maelle with you, you will not get in. And I will take your wolf apart, as promised, while you watch.”
“We’ll be there.”
And with that, I hit the end button. It took every ounce of control I had—and a little extra help from Belle—not to throw the goddamn thing at the nearest tree and scream in utter fury.