Page 99 of Shadow's End

“I know it’s the whole point, but how the hell are we going to plan a proper response when we won’t have any idea where we need to go until after midnight?” Monty asked.

“We can still prepare,” Ashworth said. “And make any necessary adjustments once we have the location.”

“Except we don’t need to wait,” I said. “I think I know where they are—or at least, Katie does.”

“What?” Monty said. “How?”

“Over the course of the last few hours, a ‘dead zone’ has developed in the forests above Sandon, preventing the wild magic from accessing the area. That has to be where she’s holding Aiden, given she’s aware of my control over the wild magic.”

“You can’t enter a dead zone. Not alone,” Eli said sharply.

I glanced at him. “I can and will. The dead zone won’t apply to my inner wild magic, and she’s not aware of its existence.”

“You can’t be sure of that, Liz,” Ashworth growled. “And these two vamps will try to control and use your power.”

“I know, but they’ll fail.”

“Pride comes before a fall, lass.”

“It’s not pride. It’s determination. I willnotlet these bastards destroy my happiness. Besides, you four will be situated outside Marie’s barrier, hitting it with everything you can to distract and hopefully weaken her.”

“I’m not liking it,” Monty said. “But I’m thinking we really don’t have any other choice.”

“Other than hanging around letting her call the shots yet again, no, we don’t.” I bent and pressed my fingers into the ground to form a deeper connection as I reached for Katie. The luminous rivers once again danced through me like a wildfire, making my whole body vibrate and burn.

There was a sharp intake of breath and a soft “Fuck me.” Monty.

What’s wrong? What’s happened?Katie asked.There is a deep fear and anger in you.

Aiden is in trouble. I need you to give me the exact location of the dead spot and then head over there to scout. But be careful—Marie is aware of my connection to the wild magic and might just get spooked if too much of it appears.

I’ll keep back and just send in a few threads.She gave me directions.How soon will you be there?

Within the hour.

I detached and pushed to my feet.

“That,” Ashworth said gravely, “is yet another new development.”

“You were glowing, Liz,” Monty added. “The wild magic—it was all over you.”

“I’m linked to Katie’s wellspring,” I said. “It isn’t as strong as the main one?—”

“If what we just witnessed is anything to go by, that’s probably just as well,” Eli said. “For several seconds, you weren’t flesh so much as a network of power.”

“Power we’ll need every bit of,” I said. “Katie’s given me the location of the dead patch and is heading over there to investigate. She’ll let me know what she finds.”

“And Maelle?” Monty asked. “How the fuck are we going to drag her out of her stronghold?”

“We don’t. We convince her that her best option is working with us rather than against us.”

“Yeah,” he said wryly, “because she’s shown every inclination to date to willingly play along with our plans.”

“I think she will this time.”

“And if she doesn’t?”

“Then I’ll snare her with wild magic and drag her out.”