Page 100 of Shadow's End

“Giving her time to raise nasty spells.”

I smiled. “I didn’t say she’d be conscious when I dragged.”

“And remember, Maelle, like Marie,” Belle murmured, “has seriously underestimated not only Lizzie but also the combined might that is all of us.”

“And with that worthy bit of motivation ringing in our ears, we should get moving,” Ashworth said. “We’ll need to detour past home to grab extra supplies and weapons.”

“Including every bottle of holy water we have between us,” Monty said. “Even if we don’t use it on any conjured monsters, it will be the only thing that can counter the deadness.”

“You three do that, then. Belle and I will go for Maelle.” I glanced at Levi. “I’m afraid you can’t come along on this one.”

“I gathered that,” he said, voice dry. “I’ll stay here and keep an eye on the fire—I take it regular water will put it out if it flares up suddenly?”

“Yes, it will, and that would be brilliant.”

“Just remember,” Belle added. “If that charm around your neck starts to burn, jump into your van and get the hell out of the area.”

He smiled. “After the weirdness I’ve just witnessed, I’m not about to hang around if another monster makes an appearance.”

“Good man,” Monty said, then pushed away from Levi’s van. “Shall we get this shit show on the road?”

I glanced at my watch. “How long will you need to gather everything?”

“Probably not as long as you’ll need to convince Maelle to accompany you,” Eli said, amused.

“Then shall we meet at the post office in Newstead in forty-five minutes? The dead zone is roughly ten minutes away from there.”

Ashworth nodded, and the three of them headed over to his truck, which was parked close to the mine’s tower. Belle and I walked over to the SUV. I tossed her the keys. “You drive. I’d better ring Karleen and let her know what’s happening.”

It was, in truth, the last thing I wanted to do, but if the situation were reversed—if it was my son or daughter’s life on the line—I would want to know, no matter how much I disliked the would-be rescuer.

Belle nodded without comment and reversed around, following the men out of the forest as I dragged out the phone and made the call.

“What is it you want?” she said without preamble.

“A situation has developed?—”

“What sort of situation?” The edge in her voice suggested she already suspected what it was. Karleen was many things, but she wasn’t stupid.

“Maelle’s counterpart has kidnapped Aiden?—”

“What do you need? I can call out all three packs?—”

“Thatis the last thing we need, and the surest way to get him killed.”

“I cannot simply?—”

“Karleen,” I cut in again, “you have to trust me. You have to believe I will do everything in my power to save him, no matter what it takes. But neither you nor any other pack member can go out there after him. The woman behind the kidnapping is one of the most powerful mages I’ve ever seen, and that’s speaking as someone whose parents are the strongest witches in Canberra. She could magically squash you, and everyone you send, like bugs.”

“Then what is there to stop her doing that to you?”

“The wild magic. She wants to taste it, and me.”

“So, you’re bait? I do not think Aiden would approve?—”

“Oh, he definitely would not, but we have no other option. They currently hold all the cards.”

“But you have a plan.”