We wash, rinse, and repeat all the way up until lunch, when therealfun is supposed to begin.
West starts out walking with me, but then I make it a point to stay two steps ahead, looking like I’d rather be anyplace but here. Then, when we sit, I say nothing as he and the others carry on as usual. Eventually, his gaze shifts toward me while I pick over my food.
“Fuck it. What the hell is your problem?” he asks, just loud enough for those at the next table to hear and pretend they aren’t ear hustling.
I snap a look toward him and play along, just like we planned. “Nothing, just… I don’t want to talk about it.”
He breathes deep, shaking his head. “You’ve been acting like a bitch all day and I haven’t done shitto you. If anything,Ishould be the one who’s pissed.”
“Really, you just called me a bitch in front of everyone andyoushould be pissed?”
I glance around just long enough to confirm that people’s interest in what’s happening at our table is growing.
“You two need a minute?” Sterling asks, looking uncomfortable as West and I start going at it, but we ignore him. After all, he’s playing along right with us.
“I never called you a bitch. I said you’ve been acting like one. There’s a difference.”
“Whatever, West,” I grumble, pushing my food away to fold both arms over my chest like a brat.
“You wouldn’t be mad if you saw some shit about me having Parker over? Just asking. Because if it’s cool for us to hang out alone with exes, I’ve got some calls to make.”
I peer up at him then, feeling water pool in my eyes.
Oh, God. Why are you about to cry? This isn’t part of the plan. And it isn’t even real. Pull it together, woman!
I see it. The moment West starts feeling concerned that he’s taken things too far, hurt my feelings. This isn’t on him, though. Apparently, just the idea of us being at each other’s throats like this rips me apart inside.
I blink a couple times, hoping he gets the hint that I’m okay to keep going.
“Fuck you, West.”
“Oh, fuckme? Sure you wouldn’t rather fuck Ricky?” he snaps back. “Unless, of course, you two already got that out your systems last night.”
I peer up at him again and I swear it’s gotten ten times quieter than a moment ago. Everyone’s tuning in for the spectacle, which is exactly what we need. Someone will get this out to Pandora and she’ll take things from there. By then, Vin will think there’s trouble in paradise and we’ll be that much closer to the last phase of this fiasco—step four, the end.
“I don’t need this shit.” With that, I stand, grab only my bottle of water, and then head for the door.
I’m in knots on the inside and burst through the lunchroom doors, unable to pull my phone from my pocket fast enough. I type as quickly as I can, needing to get rid of all the negative energy, but a text comes through before I’m even able to hit send on my own.
West: I feel like shit. I’m so fucking sorry.
Despite how disgusted I am with having put on that performance, I manage to smile—while hiding around a corner, of course.
Blue: You beat me to the punch. I was just about to apologize.
West: Let’s agree to never do this in real life.
Blue: Deal.
West: Good. Where you headed?
Blue: To sit in my car and pout until lunch ends. Figured it’d be good for optics.
West: You’re probably right. We should start seeing posts soon. I’m off to go punch a locker and look all broody and unstable. People are eating this shit up.
I face away from a small circle of kids who pass by when he draws a laugh out of me.
Blue: Take it from me, punching things is a bad¸BAD idea.