He attempts to walk away again, but for so many reasons I can’t let that happen.
“Multiples run in your family, right? Explains me and my brothers,” I say. “And whatever went down between Augustin and my grandmother doesn’t make him some fucking monster. It just means he’s human and he isn’t perfect. Who the hell is?” I add.
“He wouldn’t have done that.”
I let out a breath and glance at the document again. “Well, his name being on my dad’s birth certificate says otherwise. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry to be the one to spring this on you.”
A heavy sigh leaves Ricky when he looks away, shaking his head.
“No fucking way we’re related.”
I laugh a bit. “Trust me, I don’t like it any more than you do, but it is what it is.”
He shrugs and glances toward me again. “So, you just wanted to fuck up my night with this shit or what? Can I go back inside now? PreferablybeforeI freeze my nuts off?”
There’s more, but I’m not sure whether what I’m about to share is betraying Southside’s confidence. I just have to assume we’re beyond that now. Besides, bringing Ruiz into all this washeridea.
“Blue’s gotten some detective named Roby involved. Ever heard of him?”
Ricky’s eyes shift toward me. “I have. He let me off the hook a few times back in the day. He was her dad’s partner for some years.”
“Well, he’s on our side now and he needed something tying my dad to your uncle, something to at least prove it’s possible they have communication and could be working this thing together. Blue sent him a copy of what we found. We’re hoping it’ll help his case.”
Ricky’s suddenly quiet, looking off in the distance while he thinks.
“You know… there’s a much simpler way for me to handle your father. A way that doesn’t involve the cops.”
He peers up when he’s done speaking, and it only takes a moment to realize what he means. Apparently, he’d prefer to stop Vin from breathing than to have him sent to jail.
“Believe it or not, letting the police handle things makes shit a whole lot messier,” he adds. “Me and you could easily work out the when and where. I’ll get in and get out before anyone sees me. Then, just like that, all our problems disappear.”
It honestly shocks me how little I feel when he suggests killing the man, but there’s zero emotion involved whatsoever.
“You and I both know Blue would have my ass if I let you do that shit. For whatever reason, she cares what happens to you.”
Ricky smirks when I admit that, but we both know it’s true. She might not still hold romantic feelings for this guy, but she definitely cares about him.
Even if I hate it.
“Besides, this is bigger than all of us. If my dad and your uncle are into what wethinkthey’re into, there’s no telling how many girls are out there, terrified they’re gonna die in this shit. We can’t let that happen.”
As if suddenly remembering the bigger picture, he nods and zones out.
I know I shouldn’t ask what I’m about to ask, and I’m also pretty sure he’ll say‘no’either way, but I can’t help it.
“Have you… done something like that before? What you mentioned doing to Vin?”
Instead of answering, Ricky passes a blank look my way. Apparently, it was stupid to ask.
Fair enough.
“On that note, I’m going in.” He turns to leave, but I halt him with two words.
“There’s more.”
Frustrated, he leans back and faces the sky. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“I need a favor.”