“You should get some sleep. We have to be at the airport in five hours,” West reminds me.
I glance at the time. It’s already two. “Yeah, I didn’t realize it was so late.”
“We’re gonna grab Joss first since she’s closer, then we’ll be at your place around six. Sound okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, we’ll be ready.”
Damn, I’ve got butterflies just thinking about leaving so soon.
“Didn’t you set the alarm?” he asks.
Laughing, I roll my eyes. “Yes, Dad, I set it.”
“Mmm… you sure about that? Because I’m looking at the app right now and it says otherwise.” He’s being cynical and it makes me want to punch him. Gently, of course.
I pull the phone away from my ear and put it on speaker to check for myself. Sure enough, it says it’s disarmed, but I know I set it.
“Looks like it turned off about ten minutes ago,” he adds, sounding slightly on edge now. “Does anyone else have the code?”
“No. Just me and Scar.”
“I’m on my way,” he rushes to say, sounding like he’s already out of bed and changing clothes.
My chest feels tight and every breath I take comes and goes just a little too quickly. Without hesitating, I’m on my feet and headed toward the closet. It’s where the gun is stashed, but I never thought I’d actually have to touch the thing again. It was just for peace of mind, but apparently that assumption was wrong.
With shaky hands, I lower the box. Despite this being the last thing in the world I want to do right now, it’s what I have to do. I have it loaded quickly—thanks to Mike’s instructions—then I move toward my bedroom door.
“Stay put until I get there,” West urges, but that’s not even an option.
“I can’t. I have to at least get to Scar,” I whisper, feeling dizzy from how quickly blood rushes through my veins.
“Fine,” he huffs, brimming with frustration and fear. “Go, then lock yourself in her room. I’ll be there as fast as I can.”
The next thing I hear is his engine revving in the background, then tires screeching over pavement.
I turn the doorknob and peer out into the darkness. I hear nothing, but that doesn’t settle my nerves. The only reason I’m even able to put one foot in front of the other to leave my bedroom is because I need to get to my sister.
My steps are feather light as I make my way to her door, and the moment I reach it, I turn the knob and rush to her bed. My plan is to quietly wake her, but when I feel my way through the dark space and attempt to shake her shoulder, my hands sink into an empty mattress.
“She’s gone,” I say into the phone, feeling air rush in and out as I pant.
“She’s not here, West!”
Gripping my hair, I do a complete three-sixty before thinking to check her closet, the bathroom. Maybe she heard something and got spooked and the first thing she thought to do was hide. However, when I check those places, no longer being careful about keeping the noise down, I find nothing.
Instinct has me checking her window, but it’s locked. Next, I go to the back door and snatch it open. There, in the snow, I spot two sets of fresh footprints.
“Someone’s been here,” I whisper into the phone. “I’m going out to see where they went.”
“Like hell you are! Stay in the fucking house, Southside.”
The stern tone he’s taken with me means nothing, because…where the fuck is Scarlett?
“I’m going. I have to.” I stare out across the yard, getting up the nerve as the weight of the gun in my hand becomes ten times heavier.
“Just stay where you are,” West argues.