Page 13 of Never His Girl

Her expression is remorseful. “I’m afraid there’s no time to delay. If you’re not up to it, you’ll have to be replaced.”

So, not only do I have a tough decision to make, I have to make it right now.

Backed into a corner, I can only nod and wipe more tears when they come.

“Doesn’t sound like I have much choice, so I guess the answer is yes.”

Pryor stares and I feel her sympathy even if her expression rarely reflects it.

“Listen,” she says quietly. “This hand you’ve been dealt, it isn’t fair. But it’s yours. So, you can sit here and let this break you, or you can pick yourself up, refocus, and tackle this head-on. While I can’t promise it’ll all be okay, Icanpromise that I’ll stay in the fight as long as you do.”

The only response I can muster is a small nod.

“It’s not fair that this is all falling on you,” she says sympathetically. “Trust me, I’m madder than the devil and if I thought it’d make a difference to march into Headmaster Harrison’s office myself, I’d do it in a heartbeat. But we have to be smart about this, Blue. You and I are cut from the same cloth. We see their world from the outside in, see the way they advocate for one another. I’m willing to stay in the ring for you, but I can’t go to Harrison, or anyoneelse,without something tangible.”

Her tone is grave, making it clear how serious the situation is. Although, I never doubted as much.

“If you were set up, if this video was some sort of bullying tactic, I need to know. If West did this to hurt you, even evidence that would bring his character into question would be huge,” she adds. “So, while I’m conducting my own investigation, I need you to keep your eyes and ears open. In order to clear your name and paint you as the victim you are, we have to prove that West isn’t the boy next door, like his father has everyone thinking. Do you understand?”

She has no idea how much I understand. I know, perhaps better than anyone, that West is anything but sweet and innocent, anything but the wholesome athlete local media portrays him to be.

“I understand,” I finally answer. “If I hear anything I think you could use, I won’t hesitate.”

* * *

@QweenPandora:Well, The Pink List is out and no surprise who’s number one. But I, for one, propose that we consider foregoing this tradition moving forward. I mean, does no one else deem the idea of labeling girls in town as sluts a tad archaic?


Just me?

Either way, it’s out there for now and twenty young women just had their hopes dashed of ever being seen as virginal trophy wives. Sorry, girls, but everyone knows your secret.

Whether those secrets are true or not.

C’est la vie.

Later, Peeps.


Chapter 4


Even with the stack of papers Pryor confiscated, there were still a crap-ton of copies going around. Apparently, The Pink List is a pretty big deal at Cypress Prep. Of course it is, though. These kids thrive on tearing each other down and feasting on the remains of their classmates.

But I won’t be one of them, one of the fallen left for the vultures to pick apart.

I walk into the lunchroom like I’ve walked the halls all day—with my head held high, meeting the gazes of everyone who gawks as I pass. To hell with them and their judgment. If they want to label me a slut, so be it. I’m tired of caring.

Lexi flags me down from a table against the far window. We’ve permanently moved indoors now that fall is beginning to feel more like winter. It puts us in close quarters with the devils on the opposite side of the cafeteria. The ones I spot wearing black and gold jerseys—representing their win at regionals, I guess.

I’ve successfully avoided any and all members of the football team today. Them being in uniform was a blessing in disguise, making them easier to pick out of a crowd. But not having classes with the Golden boys the first half of the day was only a tease. It’s inevitable that I’ll see them in P.E. sixth hour.

“Well,youlook surprisingly stable. You know, for a girl rocking a modern-day rendition of the Scarlett Letter,” Lexi teases.

I take my seat, and as soon as I do, there’s explosive laughter from a table nearby. No need to wonder who they’re talking about. It’s me. It’s been me all day.