Page 63 of Cold Heir

“But what if you need help? Or what if you get caught?” I reasoned.

He listened before nodding. “Which is precisely the reason I need you to wait here. If something happens to me, I need you to promise to get these samples out safely. Julian and Levi know a trustworthy colleague of mine and will get them to her.”

While Silas spoke of getting the samples to safety, I was aware this wasn’t theonlyreason he wanted me to stay put. He wanted to keepmesafe. I wasn’t used to this, being made to stay behind, to sit it out while someone else did the hard things. Only, Silas seemed to insist on it. In so many ways, he was subtle, but when it came to protecting me, it was apparent he was just as vigilant as the others.

It was the heavy look of concern he wore that forced me to consider it.

“I’ll wait,” I finally gave in, after a brief standoff, “but if I hear anything, samples or no samples, Silas, I’m coming for you.”

My declaration brought a quiet chuckle out of him. “I was already fairly certain that would be something I couldn’t talk you out of.”

He peeked up to get a glimpse out the window, pulled the keycard from his pocket, and surprised me when he didn’t immediately leave. Instead, he pinched the top of his mask and mine, lowering both. A gentle smile passed my way and I returned it, breathing in as he leaned closer, placing a surprisingly tender kiss on my lips. It contradicted the urgency of the moment, making it feel as if time had slowed just for us until he had to pull away.

He lifted the material over both our faces again, and instructed me to switch bags with him. I complied, and it would be a lie if I said it didn’t feel like my heart got up and walked out of that vault with him.

The seconds seemed to pass in slow motion. Every sound I heard made my heart stop, and I realized why I hated being the one left behind. The one made to wait for some sign of life had it the worst. Unthinkable scenarios played out in my thoughts, and if it hadn’t been for the gloves I wore, I might have bitten off my nails completely.

During these heart-pounding moments, I had a chance to really analyze what was taking place here. This extra mile he was going, was all for the ones I loved, and whether he was doing it for them or for me … I saw him.

I mean, really saw him.

It was hard to tell whether it was the burst of adrenaline, fear of the unknown, or something else, but my eyes were starting to water.

“Silas,” I called out to him, whispering through the com when my nerves got the best of me.

No answer came and my stomach rolled with worry.

My every thought was focused on the amazing person who’d just run off to do this brave thing, and concern for what might happen if he didn’t make it back. In fact, panic was really beginning to set in at this point.

“Silas?” I was nearly pleading now, and there was still no response.

My fingertips braced the edge of the metal countertop, and my mind was made up that I’d go after him. He’d been gone too long for my liking, and I couldn’t let harm come to him when all he sought to do was what he felt was right.

I lifted myself from the floor where I rested on my knees, and had just pushed up to stand, when the door to the vault opened—slowly, quietly.

This strange thing happened to my heart when I realized the one who entered was Silas. Safe, in one piece.

He met me on the floor where I relaxed again, blinking away the water that had nearly fallen, but not quite. My arms went around his neck and I squeezed so hard it bordered on being embarrassing. I didn’t care that he’d only been gone a few minutes. The idea of that kiss being our final goodbye opened my eyes to so much I’d been trying to suppress.

“I’m okay,” he whispered against my ear. “I got everything we needed, so we can go.”

Sweeter words had never been spoken.

He helped me off the ground, and after checking for guards, hoisted me back into the airduct before passing me both our bags to secure. Once I’d done that, he was able to pull himself into the duct by his own strength. We left that room, and the property, leaving no trace at all of ever having been there.

The drive home was quiet. There was a brief stop-off to quickly change back into the attire we’d left the palace in and replace Julian’s license plate, but we were different. The weight of the air between us was so telling of how both our emotions had come over us. With my team, these rides back to our home after such a clean victory were more of a celebration. But this? It had somehow turned into a time of reflection.

For me, something clicked. I mean completely, beyond the shadow of a doubt. The last trace of whatever negativity I may have held, concerning the princes’ dark nature being their ruling force, had been completely eliminated. All it took was one final act of pure kindness to reveal to me what these men had shown me was no illusion.

When I leaned on Silas’ shoulder, he didn’t say a word. His hand moved to rest on my thigh as he drove, and I placed my palm on top of it. Something had certainly changed between us that night.

Something I would hold on to for the rest of my life.

Chapter Twenty-Three


The house was dark and quiet when we returned. We closed the door quietly behind us, and I slipped my heels off to avoid disturbing anyone who might be resting.