“Meaning, we’ve already taken into consideration that this will affect you too, now. So, the entire network has agreed to go a different route.”
“Liv, thereisno other route.” Panic rose in my gut, and I feared the danger they’d put themselves in if they didn’t stick to the original plan.
“There is, actually, and Silas thinks it’s not too farfetched to work.”
“Exactly how much have you told them?” I tried to ask that calmly, but I knew I failed when her posture suggested she’d gone defensive.
“We told them enough that they’re now willing to help us.”
There was a brief standoff between us.
“What’s this new plan?” I finally asked.
“Well, instead of weaponizing the blood,” she sighed, “…we think we might be able to use it to alter the virus. Possibly even eradicate it.”
I scoffed at the idea of what she suggested. “You’re talking about a cure?”
She nodded.
“Liv, do you know the kind of resources that would take? The kind of support it would require to achieve such a thing? Andthenadminister it to a population of beings who have no interest in losing their abilities, starting with the luxury of being immortal?”
This had bad idea written all over it.
“I didn’t say we had all the details worked out, but this is where we are, Cori,” she whispered in response, although I knew she wanted to shout at me. “I didn’t say it was aperfectplan, but it’stheplan. It’s already been decided across the board. In fact, there’s already a faction working on the first leg of the strategy as we speak. No one’s willing to see you get shafted in all of this, not with all you and your parents have done to get us this far. So, if we have to fail over and over, trying to save the life of the girl who’s risked hers again and again for us, then I guess that’s what we’ll do.”
She was so freakin’ stubborn.
And as pissed as I was at her for letting her emotions cause her to lead such a reckless charge … I couldn’t help but to love her for it.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” I sighed.
She quirked a weary smile. “I learned from the best,” she assured me, giving my shoulder a light punch.
Still not believing the strange turn of events today, I looked her over again. Of all the ways I saw this ordeal ending, being rewarded with having my team back was not one of them.
My thoughts shifted back to what she said, about not having to choose, and my heart was at peace in a way I never thought it could be. If Liv was right about all this,everything,I was in a rare position I’d never been in before.
I’d just been given my family’s blessing to be happy.
Chapter Twelve
Our dinner guests were now safe and sound at home—wherever home was. We had snuck them in through the tunnels while Corina bathed, and then proceeded to sneak them out in the same manner.
Per their request, we didn't pry for further information as to where they lay their heads at night. That was information only they, and Corina, were privy to for now. After all, it had been difficult enough to get certain ones from their group to grant our request to drive themperiod. Much less be made aware of their exact location. So, tonight, our journey together ended at the entrance to one of several bridges near the Capitols outskirts.
The dynamics of the brotherhood the other princes and I shared had changed so quickly, there hadn't been much time to digest it all. However, what was most important was that Levi and Corina were finally home safe. And for that, I was eternally grateful.
It wasn’t lost on me that their return had raised several questions, perhaps more than their absence had. Julian confirmed as much with a simple glance that passed my way through the rearview mirror when a name was mentioned during our drive home from Glenn’s.
The only detail we managed to grasp was that he’d been the mastermind behind Corina and Levi’s disappearance, and that neither had any idea as to why they’d been taken.
If this point was frustrating forme,it must have been at least ten times that for them. As my brothers and I sat here now, having a drink in Julian’s study, it seemed wise to confer without Corina being present. If I wasn’t mistaken, earlier, she seemed to want nothing to do with the conversation.
“We need to discuss what took place while you were away. We were given a name, and told that his motives were unclear, but I feel there’s more that hasn’t been said.”