Page 16 of Cold Heir

Hewasharmless, just like Levi said. Plus, with the amount of contraband on hand, I was certain he was different than any other Ianite I’d ever met.

“You were inquiring about the books?” he asked, circling back.

“I—yes,” I stammered. “I’m just curious who—”

“Easy there, Glenn,” Levi cut in, joking from the doorway, a towel riding low on his waist as he dried his hair with another. “I can’t have you boring her to sleep just yet.”

Glenn flashed me an oddly stoic glance before shifting toward Levi, greeting him with a smile that, to me, seemed out of place. It was as if he’d lowered a veil to hide his true self now that someone else had entered the room.

Was that it?

Was his true self a man who harbored illegal books and didn’t trust the government? He’d admitted that much himself. And now, just as we were getting back to discussing his collection, Levi had unknowingly interrupted.

“Well, maybe I should try saying everything in that fancy accent of yours, and see ifthatmakes me more interesting,” Glenn joked, but it felt like the laugh that followed was merely a smokescreen.

Levi came into the room fully. His gaze wandered the length of my bare legs so heavily, I swear I felt him.

“Anything I can do for you kids before I head out? I patrol most evenings, in case strays like yourselves make their way onto my property.”

A boyish grin made Levi more handsome than he already was. How that was possible, I wasn’t sure.

“Actually, would it be too much trouble to notify your grandson that we’re here?” When Levi spoke, Glenn’s gaze narrowed. “I’d reach out to him myself, but if I remember correctly, you head into town each night before your patrol. Is that still your routine?”

Levi hadn’t said as much, but I assumed we were of the same mind. It was best not to risk being spotted in public so soon after our escape. Not if it could be helped. And while I wondered why he hadn’t shared much about where we’d been, or what we’d been through with Glenn, I had to assume it had to do with his opinion of the man’s overactive imagination. The last thing he probably needed was to be aware of Aaric’s operation that carried on a couple hours walk from here.

“If you’re able, would you mind?” Levi pressed.

“I’ll do my best. Anything else?”

“No, we’re all set,” he assured Glenn, letting his eyes flit toward me again. “I think I have everything I need.”

There was softness behind Levi’s gaze, and I understood the sweet meaning hidden within the words.

“Then, I must bid you adieu, but I’ll see you both bright and early,” Glenn promised.

“Goodnight and thank you for everything.” I hoped he knew how truly grateful I was that he opened his home to us—to me, a stranger.

Removing the cap from his head, Glenn offered a shallow bow. “The pleasure was all mine, young lady. We’ll have to arrange a time to finish our chat.”

His kind words brought a smile out of me, and I nodded.

He flashed a glance toward Levi next, who seemed to have forgotten we weren’t alone in the room. That same loaded stare that left me feeling vulnerable and bare every time it landed on me, had returned and intensified.

I wasn’t sure if Glenn had taken notice, but he confirmed as much when, on his way out, he slapped his palm to Levi’s chest.

“I’ll be a few miles out from the house. Too far to hear anyone scream,” he added with a suggestive chuckle as he shuffled down the hallway. “Just … don’t break my stuff. That bed has served my guests well for more than fifty years. I’d hate to have to put it out of its misery after you finish with it, Levi.”

My face was red, I was sure of it, but peering up at Levi,heshowed no signs of embarrassment as he smirked at Glenn’s antics. Our host made his way out the backdoor, audibly cocking his shotgun before locking Levi and I inside.

So much tension had mounted between us, having been locked away together all that time. This was the closest we’d gotten to being settled, comfortable. We had both fought our urges so fiercely, I wondered how things would play out now that our lives had quieted for the time being.

“You need to unwind,” Levi offered with a smile I could only describe as warm, sweet. “Let me get you to bed.”

Chapter Six


There was a chill in the air, but beneath the blanket Levi and I shared, I felt myself on the verge of perspiring.