Before logging out of my accounts indefinitely, the images I’d seen plastered on every social media site in existence were damning. The way they captured me interacting with her, gawking like the lovesick fool she made me out to be. While some were still in disbelief that their prince would ever consort with the likes of a human woman, those in attendance the night before knew better.
And their opinions were spreading like a plague as the holes in this story continued to grow.
When the story broke hours ago, my role in the catastrophe was called into question.
‘Is the prince a part of some bigger picture we’re not seeing?’
‘Who is this mystery woman?’
‘Spectators who noticed the two interacting at the gala stated that she’s unmarked, unbranded … so where did she come from?’
‘Is it possible our next emperor is keeping a dark secret?’
Whether they suspected me of being a criminal, or just the imbecile who’d fallen victim to the wiles of a stray, it was an embarrassment. One bold reporter dared to speculate this incident might be an indicator of a disastrous reign in the forecast, and as I peered up at my father, I couldn’t help but to wonder if he hadn’t thought the same.
“How do you suggest we fix this?” he finally asked, addressing Jenna.
Before answering, Jenna swallowed hard. It wasn’t lost on me that the hint of attraction I always sensed behind her gaze had now all but disappeared. Apparently, what my father said was true—what took place last night had turned off every Ianite woman in the universe.
“Well, I believe a formal press conference would be an excellent place to start. So far, the public has only gotten the media’s twisted versions of what took place. It would show great courage for Julian to address the people himself. They’ll feel better getting the story straight from him … even if the situation isn’t ideal,” she added, making it clear she shared that opinion.
My father’s stare was locked on me when he spoke to Jenna. “Set it up. In twenty-four hours the world will hear the story straight from the prince’s mouth.”
I swallowed hard and looked my father in the eyes. Not doing so would have made me seem like a coward, and while I was many things, that simply wasn’t one of them.
“I’ll do it.”
“Of course you will,” he scoffed, making it clear the decision had been madeforme. “And what you’ve shared here today … this is the whole truth? Everything?”
The question made me uncomfortable, because I knew the next thing I said would be a brazen lie.
“Yes, sir. That’s the whole truth.”
Much to my relief, he didn’t press for more details, allowing me to maintain a small strand of dignity.
“Your mother is devastated, by the way,” he sighed. “Especially once I shared that you’ve taken a Doll.”
An image of Corina and I leaving the event flashed across several screens, and as I had the thought to turn them all off, Jenna did it.
I sat before him. “Please, just … tell her I’m sorry,” I stated.
For now, an apology given to her by my father was the best I could do.
“I’ll make the announcement at noon, unless there’s another way you’d prefer we proceed,” Jenna asserted, her voice carrying through the otherwise silent room.
My father continued to pace when his stare landed on me, the silver at the center of his eyes matching my own. Within them, there was no decipherable emotion.
“We’ll proceed as planned,” he answered.
The gravity in his tone wasn’t lost on me.
“Ultimately, Julian, these decisions won’t leave a lasting impression onmyreign, but they will drastically shape your own,” he explained, using the words as parting advice, before heading off to attend to more pressing business. “However fond you may be of yourpurchase,it would be remiss of me not to caution you to, in the future, be mindful of thinking with the head atop your shoulders.” With that, he and William were gone.
I didn’t miss the insinuation. Nor did I disagree with it.
Jenna stood perfectly still, never leaving the spot she claimed near the door. While she was poised and professional as always, there was no mistaking that there was more beneath her vacant expression than she let on at the moment.