But then, Silas surprised me with a look, one that made his gaze soften when it landed on me.
Just a little.
“Apologize,” he practically hissed, addressing the sentinels, although his attention was focused solely on me.
Bryson and Embry turned toward Julian. “Our apologies, Your Highness,” both men gushed.
Their failure to comprehend Silas’ command prompted his temper to flare. “Not to him,” he clarified. “Toher.”
Embry blinked, seemingly caught off guard by Silas’ demand. I considered myself to be well-versed in Ianite culture, and because of this, I was nearly positive it wasn’t customary for sentinels—or anyone else for that matter—to hold a Doll to any measure of high esteem.
However, as we stood in that garden, it became quite clear this was what Silas expected.
Both men eventually obliged, first offering courteous nods. “Our apologies, Ma’am.”
“I believe the proper term is actually,Mistress,” Levi said stepping forward, his tone sharp as he reminded the sentinels that a Doll belonging to a high-powered figure bore this distinct title.
Bryson bowed deeply this time, but not without a piercing glance landing on me first.
“Of course, Sir,” he crooned. “Our apologies,Mistress.”
Embry echoed the same.
The air was thick—with confusion, suspicion, distrust. I was under the princes’ heavy gazes again, and couldn’t help but to wonder what this was. It’d gone on too long to be a joke like I originally assumed—four royals just playing with their ‘food’.
Guilt? Had that been the reason Julian acted to spare me? Pity maybe? Had his Dynasty Brothers only stepped in to back up his story to avoid seeing him punished? After all, Ianite law was no respecter of persons. What applied to one, applied to them all.
Or perhaps it was all just to save face. That made the most sense of all the scenarios I thought of then. Yes, saving me made it seem like Julian hadn’t been fooled, hadn’t been embarrassed by how easily I, a mere human, had outsmarted him.
“We’ll be on our way now,” Julian stated to the sentinels, holding that stern gaze of his.
“Very well, Your Highness.” Bryson replied so quickly it nearly made my head spin. “I can radio to someone out front and have your driver pull the car forward.”
“Don’t bother.” Julian cut the offending sentinels a look before continuing. “The driver stays. Otherwise, my brothers would be stranded and forced to end their evening early.” He sighed.
The statement earned Julian a curious glance from the other three, as they questioned him with loaded stares. He said nothing in return, but it seemed he appeased them with a look.
These four, they weren’trealbrothers, but I got the sense of their closeness tonight. It seemed they knew one another as well as actual siblings. That point was only confirmed when Levi, Silas, and Roman stood down instead of objecting, all without Julian having to say a word.
“But, Sir, how will you—”
“I’ve already alerted my A.C., and she should be arriving any second,” Julian interrupted, answering Bryson’s question before he’d been able to ask it fully.
I swallowed hard at the mention of an A.C. being the mode of transportation that would take us from Lord Wilford’s palace to … actually, I had no earthly ideawherewe were headed. However, I knew I was not keen on getting there by way of anautonomous chauffeur—the A.C. Julian spoke of just then.If there was anything I trusted as little as an Ianite, it was their fancy driverless vehicles, and the artificial intelligence that controlled them.
These machines cost a fortune, so even with the wealth many Ianites possessed, it was still rare to see one outside a magazine. They were in development for years before this extremely advanced technology finally saw the light of day, but from what I heard from Felix gushing about them, their‘minds’were as complex and high-functioning as that of a human.
Silas placed a firm hand on Julian’s shoulder to get his attention, turning him until the two stood face-to-face. Another loaded look passed between them and I listened intently to hear the words they exchanged.
“As soon as we’re able to get away,” Silas stated gravely, “be expecting us.”
“And if there’s trouble before then, you know how to reach us,” Roman added.
It was always my opinion that he was intense by nature, but seeing him in action only added to that conclusion.
Julian nodded reassuringly. “I’ll wait up.”
With that, the three princes headed back toward the palace, likely intent on smoothing over any unwanted attention this ordeal might have garnered.