Page 27 of Dark Reign

“I uh … I understand, but hopefully things will slow down when they figure this thing out,” I rambled vaguely.

Priscilla nodded. “Well, here’s hoping that’s sooner rather than later.”

I agreed. “I’ll keep my eyes peeled for that wedding invitation.”

“You better. I’ll be expecting you,” she smiled as the orchestra closed out another set and we parted ways.

It wasn’t until I was nearly all the way back to Levi and Celeste that I realized I’d held a full conversation and never thought once to introduce Cecelia. Partly because the mysterious beauty I just glanced at again had stolen every single thought from my head.

Apologizing to Cecelia for the oversight would have only called attention to the faux pas, so I decided against it.

The music changed. Not just the song, the sound as a whole, the genre. The classical pieces I guessed Lord Wilford preferred for the light social portion of the evening were swapped out for a still tasteful jazz band.

“This ismarginallybetter,” Cecelia muttered. “These things are always such snooze fests.”

The complaint reminded me of another reason I hadn’t called after that first date—she was under the delusion that the world around her was supposed to keep her entertained. Like now, she hated the music, so she’d resorted to pouting.

Seeing my expression shift from tolerant to annoyed, Levi immediately created a buffer.

“Gentlemen, I think the four of us should get these ladies some drinks,” he suggested, passing Silas a quick glance before turning to lead us all to the bar.

My gaze drifted toward the woman again, going mad over the fact that she hadn’t noticed me yet, not even with how I could hardlystopnoticing her. Whatever the topic of her conversation, it must have been heavy.

“Please tell me one of you knows who she is?” I had to ask, the second it was just the four of us.

Three sets of eyes followed my gaze across the room, toward the exquisite woman who made my nearly-dormant heart beat twice inside my chest when I glanced over again.

None jumped to respond and it didn’t take long to realize this was because they, too, had been entranced by her magic. There was just … something about her.

“Anyone?” I said, hoping to prompt them to answer.

Beside me, Silas blinked several times to regain his composure. “Uh … no, but … she has to be someone important. I mean, Pierce Cooper wouldn’t lend his time to just anyone.”

“Pierce? Is he someone I should know?”

Silas shrugged, and I noted that he and the others had yet to take their eyes off her. Whoever she was …

“He’s Clifford Vol’s righthand guy,” Silas explained distractedly. “The research facility couldn’t run without him.”

“Levi? Any guesses?” I asked next, only caring a little that I might sound a bit desperate at this point.

Through my peripheral vision, I noticed him shake his head. “No, but I’d be willing to take one for the team, ask her to dinner to get whatever information I can,” he joked. “And, who knows … maybe breakfast the next morning if things go well. You know me. Always willing to do what I can to help out a friend.”

I chuckled and made myself turn away. Pining over her from a distance wouldn’t do me any good.

The others turned, too, dropping down onto three stools that lined the bar beside me.

“Four shots of something strong,” Roman ordered, when the bartender asked what we’d have.

Levi scanned my expression. “You seem bothered. What’s the problem?” he asked stupidly.

I passed a look his way but said nothing, leaving him to guess.

“What … Cecelia?”

Again, I didn’t even bother answering.

“What more could you ask for, Julian? Roman and Silas certainly don’t seem disappointed withtheirdates,” Levi reasoned.