Page 5 of Dark Reign

It was a near miss, and I’d cut it dangerously close with this episode, but … we made it.

HIN-016565 was one step closer to freedom.



“Rise and shine, Your Highness.”

The high-pitched tone of Ellenore’s voice sent a sharp pain shooting through my head, reminding me why I hadn’t had alcohol in months. Had it not been for the three who showed up on my doorstep uninvited, I never would’ve broken my fast. However, they insisted we celebrate, noting that publicly accepting my birthright was as good a reason as any.

With her light footsteps headed toward the far wall of my bedroom, I knew what Ellenore would do next, but I was too slow to request that we leave the curtains closed this morning. And I wasneverslow—another downside of drinking.

Bright light exploded into the room and I groaned, mumbling inaudible words into my pillow.

“If you didn’t still have guests, I wouldn’t have disturbed you,” she explained, “but the others are already up and about, and we wouldn’t want them to think we’re poor hosts, now would we?”

“No … I suppose we wouldn’t want that,” I sighed, knowing she hadn’t missed the sarcasm as I rolled onto my back.

I glared as she fluttered about, picking up the clothes I’d tossed to the floor when I stumbled into my room the night before. She was always like this—perky, upbeat. I suppose being an A.I. with infinite energy had something to do with it. Although, with the snappy comebacks and those judgey stares of hers, I sometimes forgot she wasn’t‘real’in the widely accepted sense of the word.

She disappeared inside the walk-in closet to take my things to the hamper, but was uncharacteristically quiet when she returned.

“What is it?” I asked, finally shoving the covers aside.

I still hadn’t gotten an answer even when I made it to the dresser to grab a shirt. Ellenore wasn’t one to be at a loss for words, so her silence had me stumped.

“If I … overheard something,” she began, “something that might upset you … would you still want to know?”

I glanced her way after slipping the shirt over my head, laughing a bit.

“Overheard something?” I asked. “Perhaps, because you were eavesdropping again?”

She had a habit ofoverhearinga lot that she shouldn’t have, when left to her own devices.

“Well … I … it’s just that Prince Silas has a tendency to whisper loudly, and I happened to be nearby when he mentioned something to the others.”

I passed her on my way to brush my teeth, knowing she’d follow.

“Ellenore, I’m certain whatever Silas told Roman and Levi has nothing to do with me, and if it does, they’ll fill me in,” I assured her.

I continued with my morning routine while she observed, noting that she still seemed troubled. Ignoring things that bothered her never just blew over, so …

“This thing you overheard, how can you be so certain it’ll upset me?” I asked, bringing the toothbrush to my mouth.

Ellenore peered up, blurting it the next second. And with the short statement that followed, I suddenly understood why she’d been hesitant.

“There’s been another breach.”

The sound of water running in the sink was the only thing that interrupted the silence. I stared at her through the mirror’s reflection while she stared back.

“Do you wish I hadn’t said anything?” she asked, the words leaving her mouth with childlike innocence.

“Was it roamers?” I asked instead, ignoring the question.

They’d always been a problem, but had grown to be an even bigger issue in recent years. As second-generation Ianites who’d chosen to resist formal assimilation into our societal system, they dwelled in the darkness, on the fringes of Dynasty borders, wreaking havoc.

“No,” Ellenore answered solemnly.