Both sentinels jumped into action, eager to be in Julian’s good graces once again. One fumbled for the radio at his hip to alert front-gate security that we were headed their way. The other rushed to the prince’s side to escort us across the lawn, but we didn’t move. Instead, a heavy breath of silence hovered between us all.
Julian passed a stern gaze to both sentinels who stood at attention.
The words, “You’ll never speak of this,” left his mouth accompanied by a ferocious glare, making it known he meant every word.
“I’d never dream of it, Your Highness.”
“You have our word.”
Both made their pledge to him, swearing to secrecy. That firm look Julian gave lingered a moment longer, and it was clear he wouldn’t tolerate insubordination. I’d heard the rumors of things I was certain these two hadseenfirsthand.
Julian, like his father, was cold and heartless. If their word was not kept, he wouldn’t hesitate to end them. While that shouldn’t have frightened me so much, it definitely did.
If this man, thisbeast, was more than willing to end the lives of his own people … I didn’t stand a chance.
We were finally on the move, trudging toward the palace’s front lawn. We made the trek in complete silence, me cradling my throbbing wrist and favoring my left ankle a bit. Somehow, it’d gotten tweaked during the scuffle. A sharp twinge pulsed through the bone whenever too much weight rested on it, but I didn’t let it slow my pace. Still, keeping pace or not, Julian noticed. A light grip bracing my elbow to keep me steady as we crossed the lawn made that clear. Having his help fixed the limp, but there wasn’t much to be done about my ragged appearance. I was barefoot, bleeding, and disheveled.
We’d cleared the garden, the horse stables, and the poolside cabanas before the front facing of the palace even came into view. Julian stopped, prompting Embry and Bryson to do the same.
Felix and Liv’s voices hadn’t stopped blaring in my ear, pleading for an explanation I couldn’t yet give. They were loud enough to drown out my own thoughts, replacing my questions and concerns with their own. In fact, it was the team’s ambient chatter that made it possible for Julian’s intentions to slip past me at first.
At least until thick, powerful arms were freed from the sleeves of a tuxedo jacket.
I watched, noting how he took care to cover my shoulders. We would have to face so many when we rounded the corner—guests, staff, more sentinels, photographers. Now, thanks to him sharing his jacket, it’d be a little less obvious I had a near-death experience just a moment ago. The silk lining was infused with the scent of his cologne.
It was … pleasant.
I shrugged deeper into the fabric, holding the lapel closed to hide as much of myself as possible.
I truly was a mess. If Liv could have seen me, once she got over being happy I was alive, she would have killed me herself for undoing all her hard work.
Julian scanned me with a thoughtful gaze and lifted his hand halfway into the air. Again, he hesitated, and there was yet another false start before moving his fingers to my hair, smoothing it gently before bringing the length of it around my shoulders. Close, I stared up at him as he made a fuss over me. As volatile as our first meeting had been, as much trouble as I was sure I’d been to him, there was still an unmistakable gentleness beneath every touch as he handled me.
“You um … your lipstick,” he breathed, gesturing toward my mouth. “It’s a bit smudged.”
His chest heaved as his gaze stayed trained on me.
I brushed the top of my lip, trying to fix the red blotches, but that proved difficult without a mirror.
“Did I miss?” I asked, feeling my stomach churn as I caught a glimpse of the crowd still gathered up front. Yes, Julian had spared me from the sentinels, but we were still not out of the woods. The hundreds of prying eyes pouring into and out of the palace still posed a potential threat.
It would only take one to realize something was amiss, and already, I walked a fine line.
“Here, I’ll just … I’ll get it.”
Before I could react, the length of Julian’s cool fingers stretched beneath my chin to brace it, followed by his thumb lightly brushing the corner of my mouth. I blinked hard, nearly letting his charm lull me into that dangerous space again—the one where I lost myself. However, it was easy to snap out of it this time. All it took was a brief moment to recall what he’d shown me on that balcony.
That humans were nothing to him.
That, in his eyes, his life would always be of greater value than mine.
At the thought of it, I recoiled from his touch, turning my face away from his.
We said nothing, but I watched as he withdrew his hand, letting it fall to his side once again. I wouldn’t be fooled by him like before. I knew where I stood and it’d be best not to blur the lines.