Page 18 of Dark Reign

“With friends like you, who the heck needs enemies?” I laughed.

“I just thought you should get used to criticism. Soon, we’ll no longer be thesonsof the most powerful men on the planet. We’llbethose men.”

Hearing it put in that way, things shifted into perspective. However, I barely had time to dwell on the thought before Silas stepped up and gave a nod toward Jenna. He wasn’t shy about letting me know they’d walked up in enough time to witness at least the tail end of the exchange between us.

“So, I take it you’re going about your hunt for an empress the good-old-fashioned way?” He followed the statement with a less-than-subtle wave in Jenna’s direction.

She returned the gesture, and then quickly looked away, probably thinking she should have foregone the bold move a moment ago.

“You’ve clearly been talking to my mother,” I laughed. “If you must know, that’s just Jenna. She’s been on staff for a couple years, and I assure you, she was only being kind.”

“Yeah … kind ofobvious,maybe,” Levi countered.

Chuffing a short laugh, he slapped a palm to my back as I turned to my father again. Time was winding down. Soon, he’d be behind the podium and millions of viewers would tune in to listen.

“So, isJust Jennathe lucky lady who’ll be on your arm for the gala? Or at least the one waiting in your bed when it’s all said and done?” With the question, Levi scanned her frame indiscreetly. Luckily, her attention was still focused elsewhere while he practically undressed her with his eyes.

“Actually, I’m going stag. There wasn’t enough time to send anyone a formal invite, so—”

“Wait, wait, wait,” he cut in, staggering back a step or two. “There wasn’t time to … Are you mad, Julian? You’re a prince, for heaven’s sake! You could send an invitation soaring through a window on a rock and get ayesfrom every dame inside!”

When his voice carried a bit more than I think he intended, it earned us a stern glare from my father.

Offering him a tight smile and wave, Levi leaned closer to speak. “Leave it to me. I’ll find you someone,” he offered, only quieter that time.

“Not interested,” I told him, knowing he’d never listen anyway.

“Well, um …Imight be interested, actually,” Silas chimed in, raising a hand. He also successfully undermined the response I’d just given.

Levi lit up with just that small inkling of encouragement.

“See? Silas has faith in me. Perhaps, he might even be of some assistance,” he added, donning a dark smile. Instead of elaborating, Levi continued. “And as a matter of fact, Roman, I’ve got you covered, too.”

“Thanks, but no thanks,” Roman rebutted. “I’m not even sure I’ll be there.”

Levi wouldn’t hear of it, waving him off. He hadn’t taken ‘no’ for an answer since we were in diapers. The others would definitely back me in this claim.

“Nonsense. Ofcourseyou’ll be there, and we’ll have a smashing time,” he insisted. “Just leave the details to me. The women on our arms will be filthy in all the right ways, and perfect ladies when it counts.”

It was useless arguing with him.

“As long as I’m able to keep her far, far away from my mother, I’ll be satisfied,” Silas interjected.

“Has yours been on your case, too?” I asked.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and we both glanced up at the red, digital numbers above when they began counting down.

Two minutes.

“Not so much about whether I’ll be taking someone to the gala,” he replied, “but she’s made it clear she’s concerned about therestof my life. More specifically, making sure I don’t forget that the world is anxious to see who I decide to spend it with. No pressure, though, right?” There was no missing the sarcasm he was nearly choking on by that point.

“Well, this coincides with a theory of mine,” Levi added. “I believe they’ve been discussing the matter behind our backs, because I swear my mother, the lovely and meddlesome Queen of the Western Dynasty,” he said with a mock-bow when uttering his mother’s title, “hasalsoenjoyed throwing her weight around in the love department as of late.”

“Mine barely let the ink dry on my letter to the press, before she started schooling me about my obligation to meet Ianite expectations,” I added.

Levi laughed again before one-upping my story. “I believe the warning I received last week was something along the lines of,‘If you don’t learn how to limit yourself to one woman, you’ll produce enough offspring to singlehandedly cause the greatest blood shortage the Dynasty has ever faced.”

While I couldn’t argue that the Western Queen’s statement wasn’t invasive, it was also true. Friend or not, Levi had definitely used his status to his advantage, making his rounds with innumerable women withinallbranches of our fathers’ dynasties.