Page 74 of Fate of the Fallen

Those tears that welled flowed freely now as emotion overwhelmed me. I’d seen him pass away with my own two eyes, had held his hand as he transitioned. So how was he …here?

A broad hand stretched toward me, and despite not knowing whether I was awake or still dreaming, I took it, feeling the warmth of his palm against mine.

He chuckled a bit, taking in my wide eyes and gaping mouth.

“It’s really me, Evie,” he stated, only making me question things more instead of assuring me I was really seeing this, reallylivingthis.

Liam’s hand braced my shoulder before he spoke. “We couldn’t tell you because, well, being honest, there was no guarantee it would even work. There were so many unknowns that came into play, we …”

I glanced up at him, cutting him off. “He’s … this is real?” I asked, feeling my lips quiver with the question.

Liam’s smile broadened, seeing my excitement. When he nodded, it only brought on more tears. “It’s real.”

I turned, laying eyes on Nick again, and I could only think of one thing to do.

I threw my arms around his neck.

Things felt so different. After the darkness that hung over us fell away as I sat beside his body on the floor of the church weeks ago, I felt so much lighter. And now, as we embraced, it was so good to hold him and not hear that nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me he was dangerous, telling me that, despite the love I had for him, I ought to keep my distance. No, as we hugged now, I felt none of those negative things. Only peace.

“How is this even possible?” I asked, not really needing the details. All that mattered was that he was here.

“Well, we have Liam and Elise to thank,” Nick shared. “They took a huge chance on me, and … I can’t even begin to say how grateful I am.”

It was so strange to hear him speak of Liam in a positive light, so strange to hear thathehad played a part in Nick being here.

“I still don’t get it,” I said, laughing amidst happy tears. “But I’m too excited to care.”

He laughed, too, and the sound of it was like music to my ears. I didn’t think I’d ever hear it again.

When he leaned away I peered up, unsure of what he’d say next.

“I want to explain it, but maybe I can show you better than I can tell you,” he stated, piquing my interest with the obscure statement, but then … it wasn’t so obscure anymore.

He held out his palm and, half a second later my breath ceased.

There was a flame.

My heart skipped a beat at the sight of it, feeling the pieces begin to fall into place.

“It was Elise,” Liam spoke up from behind me.

Bewildered, I kept my eyes trained on Nick’s hand, trying to wrap my mind around the idea of him being a …dragon.

“You never told me how cool this was,” he chuckled, closing his hand and extinguishing the light inside it. “Flying is like … it’s the best part.”

I turned to Liam, playfully scowling at him. “Flying?” I asked. “You made me wait like six months to learn!”

He chuckled as I glared at him. “Kid’s been through lot,” Liam commented. “Figured he earned it.”

The two exchanged a look and, for the first time ever, I sensed an air of respect between them—the love of my life and one of the best friends a girl could ever ask for. Seeing them in one another’s presence without one wanting to tear the other limb from limb was like a dream come true.

“Is this where you’ve been coming when you disappear?” I asked, already knowing what Liam’s answer would be.

He nodded, confirming that Nick had been the one stealing his time from me. The middle-of-the-night runs, waking up in bed alone morning after morning. But now, as I gazed up at the newest dragon in Seaton Falls, the lost time was definitely worth it.

I hugged Nick again, couldn’t help it.

Over his shoulder, Roz stood with a content smile you could have seen from the moon. She had her love back—a feeling I could certainly relate to.