Sooner rather than later.
“Easy, Nick,” Richie warned, lifting both his hands into the air, encouraging me to fall back.
“We’ve got strict orders not to let anyone beyond this gate,” one of the soldiers suggested. “So, it’d be in your best interest to turn around and … maybe just give her a call.” The statement was oozing sarcasm I didn’t find amusing.
I didn’t have the time or patience for jokes. And maybe Evie didn’t either.
At the thought, the buzz grew louder, taking on a strange rapid vibration now. My blood warmed in my veins, heating near a boil as I stood there, staring down the barrels of several guns. Still, even with one pulled trigger standing between me and death, I only focused on the sound, shifting my eyes toward the house.
“Tried that,” I seethed, feeling my mood darken. “And we’ve got critical information I need to get to Evie right away. And, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it your job to make sure she’s safe? And yet, you’re stopping someone trying to do just that?”
They stared, saying nothing, completely unaware of the wolf within me chomping at the bit, begging to be set free. Only, I feared what might happen if it managed to do so.
I felt … different. Strange in ways I couldn’t put into words.
It was clear, the guards were too by-the-book to be reasoned with, so holding the gaze of one, I did the only thing I could.
I yelled.
My voice rang out into the early morning air, probably carrying through the woods quite a ways.
The guards weren’t amused. Not in the least, but there was no rule that could stop me, as long as I didn’t try to cross through the gate.
I called out even louder this time, doing all I could to wake her, get her out here so I could do my part in keeping her safe.
Behind me, the doors to Richie’s truck opened and shut again when Kyle and Ben stepped out. They approached slowly.
“Take it easy, Nick,” Ben tried to reason, but I was determined to get this over with.
Ignoring his plea, my lips parted one last time to call out to her. Only … her name didn’t come out quite right. Intertwined with the syllables were undertones of a deafening roar that shook branches of nearby trees. My voice ricocheted through them, causing birds to abandon their perches and take flight.
When I gripped the sides of my head and stumbled back, it was Kyle who steadied me, draping an arm across my shoulders as I fought against the oncoming darkness. My head … it rang with disgusting thoughts that couldn’t have been my own. Couldn’t have been, because they were images of tearing a girl limb from limb.
A girl I managed to love in two different ways in one lifetime.
A girl I considered a friend.
“Get me out of here,” I pleaded, only mumbling loudly enough for Kyle to hear. “I can’t … I can’t be here. Something’s happening.”
He didn’t hesitate. At those words, he turned me from the others, ushering me toward Richie’s truck before I had the chance to do something stupid, something I couldn’t control or undo.
“Let’s go!” he called out over his shoulder, causing our other brothers to fall in step.
We were nearly there, nearly on the path to freedom, to safety.
But then … a door opened.
The slight creak of hinges seemed to be the only sound I heard in that instant, and the wind carried a familiar scent to my nostrils, awakening evil within me I didn’t realize truly existed until now.
My hands ached to end a life, andonlyone life.
I turned, knowing I shouldn’t have. Knowing it would only fuel me more if I looked into her dark, unsuspecting eyes, but I couldn’t help it. I stared at her as only she and I seemed to exist in that cone of silence, and for the first time since this all began, I didn’t see Evie.