Page 77 of Something Borrowed

He nods. “I want to nail him down now I’ve got him.”

“That sounds more like a crucifixion than marital harmony.”

He rolls his eyes. “I want to do it as soon as possible.”

“Does Stan agree with that? Because the only reason for doing it so quickly would be because Edward is after you with a shotgun for compromising Stan’s virtue. And that’s unlikely because it disappeared many moons ago, and Edward would be more likely to use his baton.”

“Stan has put me in charge of everything. He says he’s happy with whatever I choose.”

Something in his voice makes me narrow my eyes at him, but he gazes blandly back at me. “That doesn’t sound like Stan,” I say slowly. “He’s not one for going with the flow.”

He examines his fingernails. “Maybe you don’t know him as well as you think, Rafferty.”

“Maybe not,” I say hollowly. “Okay, let’s get to what you want. I can go over the details with Stan when I get home.”

“No,” he says quickly. “This is to be a surprise.”

“Your wedding is asurprise?”

“It’s my present to him. And I must insist you don’t speak to him about it.”

I lick my lips. It doesn’t happen very often—in fact, it’s only happened once in my career—but I have been asked to keep arrangements a secret before. I brighten slightly as I remember the repercussions ofthatincident. “Okay,” I say finally, just wanting him to leave. “Let’s look at venues.”

Half an hour later I collapse into my chair.

Joe looks up from his desk. “How did that go?”

“Depends. Is a ten worldwide Armageddon?”


“Then that was a twenty.”


“Yep. I’ve had to listen to his wedding plans and even the honeymoon arrangements. I’m grateful we ran out of time, or he might have gone into his plans for the wedding night.”

“I’m surprised Stan wasn’t with him.”

“Ah. Bennett’s organising the whole thing as a surprise for him.”

Joe blinks. “Is he marrying another Stan we don’t know? Because our Stan is not known for enjoying letting someone else lead.”

I have a flash of exactly how much Stan likes to be in control and push it away. “Exactly.” I lower my face to the desk. “This is a very shit week,” I say into the wood.

I look up to see Ingrid walking towards me. “Leo rang. He wants to see you at the salon after work.”

“What for?”

“He didn’t say. Maybe he wants to hang, draw, and quarter you for not issuing Bennett with a gag at the party.”

“Good job, he didn’t. I might have tied it too tight and choked him with it.”

“Maybe Leo’s going to stick your hair back on,” Joe offers helpfully, and Artie chuckles.

Ingrid wanders off, and Artie puts his pen down and looks over at me. “Are you alright?” he asks sweetly.

I grimace. “Nope.”