“It was a good idea.”
He sighs. “You know very well that Raff is in love with you.”
My heart hammers. “I have zero idea what you’re talking about,” I say breathlessly. I’m not discussing Raff’s feelings unless it’s with him. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m really not, but you lean into that.”
“I’ve just had a very unpleasant conversation with Bennett.”
He snorts. “I bet. Did you record it?”
“You’re very hard-hearted.”
“I know you and Raff love each other, and neither of you could see it. I also knew you weren’t engaged and that you’d finished the thing with Bennett.”
“Richard overheard it.” His tone becomes anxious. “Please don’t think he was eavesdropping. He didn’t like Bennett’s tone and wanted to make sure you were okay. He didn’t stay for the entire conversation. Just long enough to know you were safe.”
“Oh my god.”
“I just think Bennett’s a wanker to you.”
“Well, he’s now very upset about Raff and me.”
His voice sharpens. “What about Raff and you?”
I’m struck dumb. I forgot he didn’t know. Isn’t the fact we slept together written over my face?
“Oh my god.” His voice is closer. “Youslepttogether?” he whispers.
“It wouldn’t be the first time.”
“I bet it’s the first time he’s never mentioned just being friends.” My silence is the answer, and he hugs me. “This isamazing.”
“Bennett definitely doesn’t think so.”
“Pooh. He’s been shagging half of Central London. People in glass condoms shouldn’t throw sexual health lectures.”
“That makes absolutely zero sense.”
“I’m so happy you slept with him.”
“Leo, it’s your wedding day. Shouldn’t you be happy about that?”
“We’re already married.Thisis epic.”
“Nothing is settled.”
“It will be. I know Rafferty. He takes fucking ages to know his own mind, but once he does, there’s no stopping it.”
“Bennett wants me to pretend we’re still in a relationship,” I say, relieved to speak the truth even if it is to the wrong person.
“Weren’t you always doing that, Stanley?”
“Oh, shut up.”