He cocks his head. “Why do I love you?”
I swallow hard. “I’m chaotic and silly on the best of days. I’m flippant. I run away from any form of commitment.” I want to punch myself in the throat because he just said he loves me, and I’m trying to persuade him not to. “You could do so much better than me.”
“No, I couldn’t.” He takes my shoulders in his big hands and shakes me gently. “You are kind and funny and empathetic. Just being near you makes me feel…”
“Loved.” He takes a deep breath. “I feel loved when I’m with you.”
“You’re amazing. Do you want to know why?” He nods, and I lean in, wrapping my arms around him and bringing my lips to his ear. I’m fizzing all over as if I’ve swum in champagne. “My Stan is incredibly clever and the most determined man I know. He’s overcome barriers that others would have fallen at. He’s funny, sarcastic, kind, and outspoken. And I feel safe with him.”
“You do?” he says softly. The lamp's low glow illuminates his face.
“I absolutely do. There’s no safer place for me than with you.”
And then he’s kissing me, and the world spins away in a carousel of stars and fireworks.
Eons later, I come to. We’re lying tangled together in the still of the room. Outside voices drift from the restaurant, along with the faint sound of music. Here in our room, all I can hear is the rushed sound of our breathing and the quiet thunder of my heartbeat.
The words are out before I even think about them. “Do you really want to marry Bennett?”
The question makes his muscles tense again. My love haze vanishes as I wait for his answer.
“No,” he says immediately, and the surety in his tone is a relief. “What the fuck? Ofcoursenot.”
My smile feels like it might break my face. “That’s all I need to know.”
He comes up on his elbow. “But it’s more complicated than that, Raff. You don’t know everything that’s gone on with Bennett.”
“I don’t need to,” I say quickly. “You don’t want to marry him. That’s the hard bit. The rest is simple.” I don’t know where this calmness comes from, but it’s settled over me like a warm blanket. He’s mine now, and all my doubts over what sort of partner I’d make for him have vanished—blown away by the terror of nearly losing him to another man.
“I’m not sure anything about this is simple,” he mutters.
“Ssh. Come here, Stan.”
I nudge him, and obeying my urging, he nestles against me, and I hug him close, feeling the length of his body against mine. The sheets smell of us. It’s a lovely scent, and it surrounds me like one of Stan’s hugs, and we fall into a silence that’s content.
“What?” I mumble sleepily.
“When we’re more awake I need to tell you something.”
I haven’t slept properly in weeks, and now it’s catching up with me. “That sounds good, babe. I’m absolutely knackered.”
I drift off to sleep with the sound of the sea and Stan’s soft breathing next to me.
I come awaketo a hot body pressed against me and lips trailing down my neck. Happiness pulses through me like a heartbeat.Rafferty.
I stretch, pushing myself into his body and feeling his stiff cock. “Mmm, who’s this in my bed?” I mumble.
Raff pauses, and then I hear the sound of his deep chuckle. “Just me, Goldilocks,” he chides, his voice still hoarse with sleep.