I stare after him in stunned silence. Everyone else seems to be silent too. “Wait,” I say in sudden panic. “Does that mean he’s broken your engagement?” I turn to Stan. “Ohfuck.”
I fall into a chair aware of him coming to sit beside me. “Shit,” I mutter. “I just rode roughshod over everything, Stan. I can’t believe I just made a fucking scene at theweddingin front of all those people.” I swallow hard. “I feel sick.”
“Thank you,” Stan says, his voice firm and steady.
He cocks his head, a smile hovering on his full lips. “I don’t think you’ve ever done that in your life, Raff, and I’m honoured that you did it for me.”
“You spend your whole life making other people happy with your sweet nature and big heart, but you never ask for what you want.”
“But I just did the opposite! I demanded things, and I shouted. That isnotattractive.”
“It was actually glorious.” He holds up his hand. “Admittedly, I will not be happy if you ever try to talk for me again.”
“God forbid. I’d have more luck doing that with a puffin.” I shake my head. “I just broke up your engagement at someone else’s wedding and—” I pause. “And you’re smiling about it?”
He grimaces. “Yeah. Remember that thing I wanted to tell you earlier?”
“Yes?” I say warily. My heart starts to pound at the seriousness in his face.
He offers his hand, and I take it gratefully, feeling his warmth and strength.
“Rafferty, you know me.”
“Well, I thought I did,” I say slowly. “Now I’m not so sure.”
“Try to think about that statement.”
“I hate it when you say that. It’s like you’re waiting for me to get a crossword clue.”
“That hasn’t happened this millennium. Now think. What does it mean that you know me?” he says patiently.
“That if you tell me the earth is square, I’ll believe you.”
His mouth quirks. “On a less important navigational note, ask yourself about cheating. I know you don’t cheat, but what about me?”
“You don’t ever do it,” I say. I swallow hard, staring at his calm, beautiful face. “But you did it with me. Oh mygod, I’ve corrupted you.”
“I’m not marrying Bennett.” He hesitates. “I wasn’t ever actually engaged,” he says in a rush.
“I beg your pardon.”
“I was never engaged. I told him no straight after he proposed.”
Relief rushes through me, hot and thick as lava. I clutch his hand. “Oh my god, I’m sorelieved.”
“You’re not angry? I couldn’t tell you, because he made me promise.”
I pet his hand. “I know your word is important to you.”
“Not that important. I tried to tell you last night, but you fell asleep.”
“You did that forme?” I breathe.
He smiles gently. “I would do anything for you. The same as you would do for me.”