“So, what happened?” I ask.
“Oh, Flora had just plaited my hair with wildflowers. We were totally naked in a meadow communing with nature.”
“Oh god,” I breathe. “Did the police catch you again?”
“No, but I got a lit joint caught in the knots and it singed the ends. Flora tried to cut it, but she’d had a bit too much of the green and ended up giving me a Bon Jovi.”
I start to laugh. “Well, it didn’t do him any harm.”
He hugs me again. “It’s so good to see you. Imissyou. When are you and Raff coming to stay?”
Nerves fill my belly. “Oh, I don’t know.”
He pulls back. “What’s this?”
“What’s what?”
“Your voice is funny.” There’s a pause. “And where is Raff? He’s usually only a foot away from you at all times.”
“Erm, he’s probably doing his job. He’s organising the wedding you know. Although he’s off to a late start because we had to share a room because of Leo, and—” I stop talking, already knowing I’m in too deep.
He gives a low whistle. “Did you share a bed?”
“Stan, I taught you not to be embarrassed. Sex is abeautifulexpression of feelings. It’s a tension releaser and it fills up your spirits. When your penis comes, you’re shooting out bliss into the world.”
I clear my throat. “I’m not exactly embarrassed. It’s just that we’re standing in the foyer talking about bliss spunk.”
“I never thought I’d see the day.”
I snort. “Well, I certainly haven’t.”
He starts to laugh and nudges me. “Good one, mate. No, I never thought I’d see the day when you and Raff were finally one.”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
“Of course you do.” His voice sounds suddenly serious. It doesn’t happen very often, but it usually includes some pearl of wisdom. I’d learnt very quickly to listen to Pat. “It’s like swans, mate.”
Yeah, sometimes it’s a bit of a miss.“What is like swans?”
“You and Raff?”
“Wet and snooty?”
“Nah. Swans arebeautiful, and they make life look stunning. They glide along making everything look smooth and easy, when in reality, they’re paddling frantically underneath out of sight.”
“I don’t make anything look smooth.”
“Yes, you do.” His voice is firm. “You’re the most incredible human being, Stan, and you always have been. Even as a little boy you burned brighter than anyone else, and Raff is the only one who’s ever matched that energy. It stands to reason.”
There’s a long pause. “What stands to reason?” I ask cautiously.
“Why you’d fall in love with each other,” he says simply, and I swallow. “Swans mate for life, Stan. There’s no one else for them once they meet their other half.” He hums a little tune. “Yeah, that’s beautiful. Okay, I’m off to the bar. I left Aurora and Bear with your mum and dad.”
I clear my throat. “Who are Aurora and Bear?”
“My current lovers.”