“Coming.” I pace out the steps to the bathroom and fumble until I find the robe hanging on the back of the door. After tying the belt, I tap towards the door. Before answering, I run fingers through my hair. I am about to meet my fake fiancé with sex hair and Raff’s come on my chest. It’s enough awkwardness for thirty people. I take a breath and fling the door open.
“Hey,” I say as Bennett pushes past me. “Oh no, do come in.”
I shut the door and lean back against it, listening to him walk around. “Iknewit,” he says, his voice icy.
I attempt a light tone. “Knew what? Is it that giraffes are thirty times more likely to be hit by lightning than people?”
“Don’t try to be funny,” he snaps. “I knew you and Raff were fucking.”
“We weren’t.”
“So, how do you explain the state of this bed, Stan?”
I tighten my grip on my cane and move over to the sofa, where I sink onto the cushions. “I said we weren’t. Past tense. I never slept with him when we were together.”
“Oh, and as soon as we weren’t, you did. The sheets were barely cold,” he snaps.
I cock my head at his audacity. “Stop gaslighting me. I think playing the wounded lover is a bit beyond you.” I’m unable to help the iciness of my voice. “You were shagging other men throughout our relationship.”
“What do you meanso?”
“They never meant anything.”
“Oh, I do beg your pardon that I didn’t quite grasp the subtle nuances of your shagging. Is it Code Blue if you knew their name but Code Yellow if you were only acquainted with their arsehole?”
There’s a stunned silence. “Don’t be so crude,” he finally mutters.
“Well, don’t be a hypocrite,” I shoot back.
“Raff is your best friend, so it’s different,” he persists.
I sit back on the couch and consider his words and his angry tone. Taking a deep breath, I say, “It seems to me that this is more about you than me.”
“You don’t love me. You never did. This is about you liking to win in every aspect of your life. I’m just a piece of steak that you’re currently fighting over.”
“Fuck off.”
“It’s true. You never took the time to know me so you can’t love me. Name my favourite song. Or how about what food I’m allergic to? I’ll give you a clue. It’s pink with a tail, and you’ve ordered it for me for every meal.”
“You’re exaggerating.”
“And you’re acting like this is a tragedy and I’m the bad guy, but I’m not. I’m simply the wrong man for you.”
“You’re certainly very opinionated. It’ll be a relief to be free of that.”
I bite my lip to hold in my smile. “I thought you liked the fact that I had opinions.”
“I didn’t realise you had so many.”
I want to laugh but it might make the situation worse. Bennett has a temper and can be volatile if thwarted.
“Well, I’m going downstairs,” he finally says. “I’ll let you wash the twat’s come off you.”
“That’s very considerate of you. I’ll be down soon.”