Page 99 of Love Me Reckless

I jump up from my chair so fast that it starts to topple backward. After working my way down the row of guests, I try to take measured steps so I don’t draw any more attention to myself.

My brain is going haywire.Service entrance.What does this mean? Is she hurt?

At the side door, I risk a glance over my shoulder. Rows of chairs face the giant windows that no doubt on a nicer day would reveal the pretty foothills and pine forests rising to the jagged peaks. Birch stands at the altar, arms clasped in front of him, the benign expression he wore just moments ago replaced by a cold glare.

I lock eyes with him for an instant, then I push through the door and hurry down the hallway.

Because I’m considered essential personnel, I get an employee parking permit, so my truck isn’t far from Bear Lodge. I race down the stairway and fly through the exit door. The cold breeze stings my face and makes my eyes water.

After following the heated walkways to the stairs, when I get to the other side of the road, my dress shoes slip like a pair of skates. By some miracle, I manage to not fall on my ass or break my neck on the slick stairway.

Inside my truck, I caress the dash and slide my key into the ignition. “Don’t let me down now, girl.” The engine purrs to life.

A tight burst of hope explodes inside me. I crank the heat and drive to the exit, but instead of turning down the service access road, I take a right toward the lodge.

The Bear Lodge service entrance is accessed from the same road that ends at the maintenance building. I’ve never been there, but I’ll find it by feel. I take a right at the fork, then follow the narrow, pavedroad behind the condominium complex, then a left to parallel the back of the lodge. When I pull into the service bay, Kirilee’s troubled face is peering out of the tiny glass window in the double door. Our eyes barely connect before she rushes out, flanked by Sofie, the hem of her stark white dress gathered above her knees so it doesn’t slow her down.

She’s unbelievably beautiful. Her hair is pinned back, with loose tendrils framing her gorgeous face, and the dress is all flowing white satin, so bright it shines.

Yet it’s a version of her that doesn’t highlight the real Kirilee. The woman who goes skinny dipping, and dancing ‘til two in the morning, and gets a tattoo, and is passionate about her causes, and cares deeply for her friends and family.

I jump out and hurry to the passenger side. “You okay?”

Her smile is like a supernova. “Let’s find out!”

I laugh. She and Sofie share a quick hug, and then she wraps her arms around me. I hold her close as she sighs. Though I have a thousand questions, in this moment, they lose their importance. She’s here, tucked into my embrace. Safe.

“You guys better git,” Sofie warns.

Kirilee steps back and dabs her eyes with the pad of her fingertip. “Right.”

I help her into the truck and stuff the last of her dress in before shutting her safely inside.

Sofie grabs me in a surprise hug. “Take good care of her.”

I give her a gentle squeeze. “Count on it.”

She spins away from me and hurries through the door. I jump in my truck and reverse out of the bay.

“Where are we headed, princess?” I ask my copilot.

Her green eyes flash, but then she laughs. “Let’s start by getting off ranch property.”

I pull back onto the road and check my rearview mirror. No angry mob, but the security guard could easily stop us at the exit gate.

“Do you want to tell me what happened?” I ask her. I take a right at the bottom of the hill and accelerate. “Did he hurt you?”

Kirilee watches the snowy landscape whizzing by. “Someone once told me that I could choose the course of my life. I didn’t believe him. Or maybe I wasn’t ready to.”

I remember this conversation well. She was pissed, but I needed to get through to her. Did I, and that’s why we’re here?

“What changed?” I ask.

The exit gate is just ahead.

Kirilee exhales a slow breath. “I did.”

At the gate, the guard gives us both a glance. His left eyebrow arches up. “Miss Kirilee.” He leans out of the booth to glance at the road behind us, like he’s expecting more vehicles. “Everything okay?”