Page 95 of Love Me Reckless

“I… couldn’t sleep.” What little I read about GENRENU is bouncing around in my mind like a ping pong ball.

He smiles. “Big day ahead of us.”

“Are you planning to build wind turbines on the ranch?”

His eyes shift to the award on the side table, then back to me. “Wind turbines are the future of renewable energy.”

The ranch consists of thousands of acres, most of which are undeveloped. Would Birch stuff it full of these giant windmills? Will I one day wake up to a view of spinning white blades cutting through the blue sky? “But they kill birds.”

“Cats kill birds,” he says easily, like he’s had to say it before. He’s even smiling, like this is amusing.

“So it’s not true?” I think about Linnie and her dad out there protesting. What do they know that I don’t?

Birch gives me a patient smile, but his eyes have turned serious. “The percentage of avian deaths from wind turbines is negligible.”

I think of my mountain bluebird, soaring over the open prairie.


I close my eyes so I don’t have to watch her die.

Birch offers his hand. “Come back to bed.”

Ava and Sofieare escorted up to the giant powder room in the bridal suite. Outside the big windows, thick, low clouds obscure what would normally be a gorgeous view. I refuse to take it as a sign that my wedding day is doomed. Everything is in place. All I have to do is follow the script.

I hug each of my bridesmaids.

Ava steps back, a concerned look in her eye. “How are you doing?”

“I’m great!” It hurts to smile, but I do it anyway.

Ava and Sofie exchange a quick glance.

“Just nervous,” I add.

“All right, ladies,” the stylist calls from behind us. “Time to get gorgeous.”

Two hours later, we’re coiffed and beautified. Our dresses are steamed and ready for us, which means it’s almost time. The stylist team departs, leaving me alone with my two best friends.

“We have a little something for you,” Ava says, sliding two wrapped packages from her purse.

“No way! You guys have already done so much.” I shake my head.

“Come on, open them,” Sofie sings, settling on the loveseat next to Ava.

Flutters tickle my anxious tummy as I place the smaller box on my lap and unfurl the silky ribbon.

Inside is a pale blue garter. “Oh! Something blue.” I slide it onto my right leg and hike it up my thigh.

Ava whistles.

“Keep going.” Sofie nods at the package.

Underneath more paper is a soft cotton hankie. “Something borrowed!”

“They handed them out at my cousin’s ceremony last year,” Ava says. “They’re surprisingly useful.”

Emotions I’ve been stuffing down all morning crack open inside me. “You might not want this back after I’m through with it.”