The saleswoman steps behind me to fasten the tiny buttons in the back. In the reflection of the mirror, I take a long look at myself. The dress is gorgeous. Classy and stylish. The day I picked it out, what was I feeling? Was I happy then?
The saleswoman stoops down to lift the dress’s hem and unfurls the skirt like a parachute. It falls around me like a heavy cloud, with the train curling to the right.
She steps back, beaming. “It’s absolutely beautiful on you.”
I try to smile. “Thank you.”
“Ready to show your mother and grandmother?”
I turn slightly to the right so the reflection catches my bold little bird. Half of her is hidden by the satin edge of the bodice, but her other half is looking back at me.
Chapter Twenty-One
“Got it?”Zach eyes me from across the mattress. I nod, and together we lift it then carry it into the hallway. We pass William’s room where he’s packing his things into boxes. His girlfriend Charlie is helping, but they’re doing more flirting and laughing than packing. Why do I get the feeling they’re eager for me and Zach to leave with this load?
“How are the ski lessons going?” Zach asks as we clear the front entryway.
The maintenance crew has been so busy with the holiday ski season that I haven’t had to do much skiing, and thankfully I’m skilled enough to get around when I do. It’s not fun without Kirilee though. I keep thinking I’ll see her in the lift line, maybe skiing with her brother, but it’s like she’s gone into hiding.
“They’re not.” I slide the door open with the heel of my sneaker. The winter air hits my back and bites into the bare skin of my neck. Zach told me that January is the coldest month of the year here.
It might be the coldest month of my life.
It’s better if I go.
How is that better?
That’s really what you want?
Why didn’t she answer me?
“Why? Too busy?” Zach asks as we navigate the two steps down to the walkway.
“I don’t think douche date likes me spending time with her.”
I set my end of the mattress on the bed of the moving van and Zach slides it into place against the wall.
“I don’t get him,” Zach says. “He’s either ignoring her or trying to control her, while behind her back he’s doing whatever the fuck he wants.”
We close the tailgate and hop into the cab.
“If she were mine, I wouldn’t waste a single second with her.”
Zach’s expression turns wary. He sits back in his seat. “She’snotyours. Unless I missed something?”
Shit, did I say that out loud? I rub the back of my neck. “The night she got a tattoo, things got a little heated.”
“Kirilee got a tattoo?” His wide eyes turn curious. “Define heated.”
“A kiss that was more like a lap dance. In my truck.”
“Shit.” Zach blinks at the windshield.
“Yeah.” I release a slow sigh. “Douche date tracked her phone to where I was parked.”