“I do,” I say.
“We’re only here for a few days,” Sarah says. “What are the top five things we should see or do?”
I swallow my bite of veggie pizza, the spicy kick from the sauce a perfect match for the gooey cheese. “Outdoorsy or artsy?”
“Both,” Sarah says.
I rattle off the best place to rock climb, the local mountain bike trail system, and the gallery shops downtown, plus our new Pioneer Museum. “There’s a quilt show this weekend at the fairgrounds, too, if you’re into folk art.”
Sarah’s eyes light up.
“Is there a yarn shop?” Darcy asks, rubbing her belly.
“Indeed.” I wipe my mouth with my napkin. “On Spruce and Fourth. Careful, though, it’s dangerous in there.”
Darcy smiles. “The fun kind.”
Brian hugs her tighter against him and leans down to whisper something in her ear. She blushes and bites her lip. Brian’s heated gaze lingers on her a moment longer, and the intensity between them makes the air vibrate.
I can’t help the pang of envy flickering to lifeinside me. Brian is clearly crazy about his wife, and she’s nuts about him too. They’re totally and completely in love. That’s how it’s supposed to be.
“What about a gear rental shop?” Cooper asks, snapping my attention back to the conversation.
“We have two. Gear Grinders is best for bikes, and Bitterroot Backcountry for climbing and hiking. If you want to hunt, I recommend Sage Creek Outfitters. They’re the best.”
“You make a great tour guide,” Sarah says with a smile.
“My family often entertains out of town guests.” Another semi-truth. “Happy to help.”
My phone buzzes in my pocket just as Sawyer says to Sarah and Cooper, “Zach and I are riding Finn River Ranch tomorrow. You guys want to join us?”
“Hell yeah,” Cooper says, and glances at Sarah, a question in his eyes.
She side-eyes Cooper. “Sure. As long as it’s not too early.”
He grins and plants a kiss on her temple.
“How’d you get a pass to the ranch?” Brian asks Sawyer. “I hear it’s members only up there.”
Is it weird to sit here while these nice people talk about my family’s business? Yes, but also for just a moment, them not knowing I’m part of it is giving me a secret thrill.
“Zach’s old boss at the ranch wants to get me a job,” Sawyer says with a shrug. “I think he’s trying to sweeten the pot.”
I’m chomping down on a bite of pepperoni when he saysget me a job. With the slice still in my teeth, I side-eye him, trying to process this information.
“Wow, that’s great,” Brian says. “Are you gonna take him up on it?”
Sawyer shrugs. “Maybe. I’m ready for a change, that’s for sure.”
“You’d move to Finn River?”I ask.
“Why not?” Sawyer’s eyes tense.
“I don’t mean it as a challenge. It’s just a big jump from Alaska, and…” And I was thinking tonight I could escape for a little while, but afterwards, my life would go back to the way it was before I left Birch standing in the valet loop. Selfish of me, yes. “…I’m sure you’d be missed.”
Sawyer’s eyes stay serious, like he’s waiting for some kind of punchline.
“We’d visit,” Brian says with an encouraging nod.